Not everyone knows what can be put in the hole when planting tomatoes.
Marina Michalap garden planting tomatoes what to put in the hole fertilizers for tomatoes 9 April 2024Not all summer residents know why it is worth planting marigolds on their plot.
Marina Michalap marigold what to plant in the country pest control advice for summer residents 9 April 2024Let's reveal an open secret: your future harvest directly depends on the health and condition of your seedlings.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling stress plants seedling stress home seedlings 9 April 2024After picking tomato seedlings, gardeners whose “experience” is measured in decades recommend watering them using a special solution.
Elena Shimanovskaya seedling picking seedlings tomato seedlings watering tomato remedy 9 April 2024What to put on the ground to achieve excellent weed control.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents mulching plants weeds tricks country house 9 April 2024The optimal soil acidity for planting carrots should be 7 pH.
Igor Zur tips for gardeners growing carrots increasing crop yields fertile soil beds 9 April 2024Cherry yield will increase significantly if you feed it with wood ash in the spring.
Timur Khomichev cherry ash ash for cherries fertilizing cherries with ash fertilizing cherries with ash in spring 8 April 2024Three ways to protect your cabbage bed from pests - aromatic herbs, flowers and more.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields pest control advice for summer residents neighborhood of vegetables herbs 8 April 2024It is not recommended to plant garlic with other crops from the onion family.
Timur Khomichev garlic winter garlic garlic neighbors good neighbors for garlic bad neighbors for garlic 8 April 2024To ensure that roses grow quickly and bloom profusely, wood ash is added to the hole when planting.
Timur Khomichev roses ash ash for feeding roses with ash fertilizing roses with ash when planting 8 April 2024Beets and crop rotation - after which plants it is better not to sow root crops, and after which it is possible and even necessary.
Igor Zur increasing crop yields beet beds in the garden crop rotation tips for gardeners 8 April 2024Not everyone knows about the simple method that can be used to revive wilting plants.
Marina Michalap indoor plants plant care activated carbon 8 April 2024Not everyone knows what plants can help deal with mosquitoes in the country.
Marina Michalap mosquitoes what to plant in the country plants against mosquitoes advice for summer residents 8 April 2024If you want to get an effective insecticide that would simultaneously have an acaricidal effect, i.e. would fight ticks and suppress the development of harmful nematodes, you have come to the right place.
Elena Shimanovskaya garden plants pests pest control tansy 8 April 2024The truly huge army of flower growers can be safely divided into two conditional groups: one is represented by people who constantly forget about the need to water the plants, while the other includes people who flood the plants with water.
Elena Shimanovskaya indoor flowers indoor plants watering water iridescent colors 8 April 2024Leeks grow well in fertile, well-drained soils - what else do you need to know about this vegetable?
Igor Zur growing vegetables growing onions advice for summer residents fertile soil plant care 8 April 2024Several effective methods and techniques that will help you get rid of this pest.
Igor Zur valuers now advice for summer residents plant care processing 8 April 2024Avoid planting garlic, beans, asparagus and sage next to onions.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants onion planting landing vegetables 7 April 2024To make everything as fast, convenient and, most importantly, effective as possible, the lunar calendar will tell you what days and what to plant during the week from April 8 to 14.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants landing lunar calendar gardener's lunar calendar 7 April 2024Not everyone knows what the first feeding of carrots should be.
Marina Michalap carrot feeding growing carrots carrot advice for summer residents 7 April 2024