One of the most charming habits of these independent animals is their habit of waiting for their owners at the door.
Sergey Tumanov cat behavior cats pets and animals Pets 22 May 2024Many cat owners notice that their pets like to follow them around the house.
Sergey Tumanov animal behavior cats caring for cats Pets 21 May 2024Not everyone knows about the beneficial properties of sleeping with a cat.
Marina Michalap sleeping with a cat cat influence cat and health Pets 21 May 2024Cat biting is not necessarily an expression of aggression, but can be a method of communication, an expression of displeasure, or a way of marking personal space.
Igor Zur pets cat behavior Tips for cat owners Cat Habits Pets 20 May 2024Cats are not at all such arrogant and selfish animals as it may seem at first glance.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior cat affection signs Pets 16 May 2024Not all furry creatures like strong hugs.
Kurchev Anton cat smile Love Tips for cat owners Pets 16 May 2024British scientists set out to find out which cat breeds are distinguished by their longevity.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment research by scientists longevity of cats pets Pets 15 May 2024Scientists have explained the ability of cats to sense their owner's return home.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners Cat Habits interesting facts Pets 13 May 2024Not everyone knows about the shortcomings of British cats.
Marina Michalap british cat characteristics of cat breeds cat breeds Pets 9 May 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate a cat's love for its owner.
Marina Michalap the cat loves the person cat behavior cats Pets 5 May 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why cats might sleep on a person.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cats cat and man Pets 1 May 2024Not everyone knows why it is sometimes worth considering co-sleeping with a cat.
Marina Michalap sleeping with a cat benefits of cats cats Pets 29 April 2024Not everyone knows some interesting facts about cats.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior Cat Habits Pets 28 April 2024Not everyone knows what secrets are hidden in mongrel cats.
Marina Michalap mongrel cats cats cat behavior Pets 27 April 2024A fluffy cat may well not only love its owner, but also show this love in a certain way.
Kurchev Anton cats cat behavior Gratitude interesting facts Pets 26 April 2024Not everyone knows which 3 cat breeds are best suited for apartment living.
Marina Michalap cat breeds cat character choosing a cat Pets 24 April 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate a spoiled cat.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cats spoiled cats Pets 23 April 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why a domestic cat begins to ignore the litter box.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cat ignores litter box cat health Pets 22 April 2024Not everyone knows why cats can wake us up at night.
Marina Michalap the cat wakes me up at night cat behavior cats Pets 20 April 2024Don't rush to accuse the cat of impudence, selfishness and arrogance.
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior cat owner furniture Pets 18 April 2024