When choosing a type of pet for your home, you should rely not only on your preferences and aesthetic views, but also on the characteristics of the animal.
Some cats are more suitable for keeping in a private home, so it is better for owners of small apartments not to consider them.
Others are ideal for such content, experts note.

What 3 breeds are worth paying attention to
Many people have come to love representatives of this breed for their calmness and unusually balanced character. The British cat will not play around and make a mess.
These animals behave with dignity and nobility, as if they were real aristocrats. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them from the very beginning.
This breed has one obvious advantage for any housewife: the absence of a fur coat. This means that having a pet in the house will not make the cleaning process more difficult.
But this is not the only advantage of the sphinx.
Cats of this breed are incredibly smart and calm, so they behave in a dignified manner.
Siberian cat
These animals have a pleasant appearance and luxurious fur. Despite the fact that you will have a hard time during shedding, the Siberian cat has its advantages.
For example, she is able to build strong relationships with all family members. In the person of such a pet, you can find a true friend.
Earlier we talked about the signs by which you can understand that you have spoiled your cat .