The French bulldog topped the list of dog breeds with the shortest lifespans.
Igor Zur research by scientists about dogs Pets 23 August 2024St. Bernard, English Bulldog and Mastiff are the best dog breeds for busy people.
Igor Zur pets employment Tips for dog owners about dogs Pets 21 August 2024Dog breeders have compiled a top 5 list of dog breeds that are considered the smartest among their peers.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners dog behavior pets dog intelligence Pets 20 August 2024Before getting a dog, a person should assess the level of his/her employment.
Kurchev Anton pets loneliness dog behavior Tips for dog owners Pets 16 August 2024Experts have named the 5 smartest dog breeds - good memory, gentle character and easy learning.
Igor Zur Tips for dog owners about dogs dog training dog intelligence Pets 14 August 2024Not everyone knows which dog breeds are the smartest.
Marina Michalap records the smartest dogs facts about dogs Records and anti-records 10 August 2024We tell you which dog breeds are not suitable for families with children.
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Igor Zur Tips for dog owners mistakes dog training dog health why do dogs love humans Pets 8 August 2024Listed are the dog breeds that have a harder time coping with loneliness than others.
Igor Zur dog behavior Tips for dog owners dog alone pets Pets 5 August 2024Some dog breeds are definitely not suitable for people without experience.
Marina Michalap dogs dangerous dogs Pets 30 July 2024Have you ever noticed that small dogs tend to be more aggressive and noisy compared to their larger “brothers”?
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals small dogs aggression Pets 22 July 2024What are the characteristics of dog breeds that have almost no doggy smell?
Igor Zur scent Tips for dog owners pets delusions Pets 12 July 2024The appearance of a four-legged friend can make an elderly person happy.
Kurchev Anton pets elderly people Pets 11 July 2024A dog handler told what kind of dogs he does not recommend for beginners and named the reasons.
Igor Zur about dogs board canine nature mistakes Pets 10 July 2024Do you dream of a four-legged friend, but you are very irritated by dog barking? There is a solution! Get a Basenji dog!
Kurchev Anton pets dog behavior dog barking board Pets 10 July 2024As a rule, people who live in an apartment choose a small-sized dog, because it is much easier to keep such a pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya dogs pets and animals breeds small dogs Pets 6 July 2024Five dog breeds that are least likely to have health problems.
Igor Zur dog health Tips for dog owners vet for dog long-livers Pets 5 July 2024When choosing a dog, many people think not only about the appearance and size of the pet, but also about its mental abilities.
Sergey Tumanov pets dog intelligence list dog behavior Pets 22 June 2024During the research it was possible to determine the smartest breed of dog.
Igor Zur aggressive dogs research by scientists dog intelligence pets Pets 4 June 2024There are many dogs that will be quite comfortable in a cramped space.
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