The Colorado potato beetle is a common pest that poses a great danger to members of the nightshade family, including potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potato mustard mustard at the dacha marigold Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 January 2025What to do if a dangerous pest has already appeared on the potato bed? Do not rush to use expensive "chemistry"!
Kurchev Anton potato Colorado potato beetle control mustard powder vinegar Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 January 2025The Colorado potato beetle is considered the main enemy of potatoes. This insect eats young leaf blades of the garden crop.
Kurchev Anton potato Colorado potato beetle control marigold advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 December 2024With the help of some folk remedies you can cope with the Colorado potato beetle.
Marina Michalap Colorado potato beetle remedies pest control products pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 October 2024Every summer resident knows that the main enemy of potatoes is the Colorado potato beetle, which eats the tops of this crop with gusto.
Elena Shimanovskaya pests Colorado potato beetle control Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 September 2024We tell you how to treat potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle.
Timur Khomichev potato Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control Garden and Vegetable Garden 31 August 2024Any gardener knows that Colorado beetles pose a huge danger to potatoes.
Kurchev Anton potatoes Colorado potato beetle remedies ash Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 July 2024Mustard powder has many benefits that make it ideal for controlling the Colorado potato beetle.
Sergey Tumanov Top news plants pests mustard powder Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 June 2024Not everyone knows what simple methods of fighting the Colorado potato beetle are very effective.
Marina Michalap Colorado potato beetle control pests pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 June 2024Not everyone knows why Colorado potato beetles are such dangerous pests.
Marina Michalap pests advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 June 2024To get rid of this creature from your garden as quickly as possible, use vegetable oil.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants pests oil Garden and Vegetable Garden 14 June 2024Perhaps the most reliable way to combat the Colorado potato beetle in potato beds is to collect them by hand.
Elena Shimanovskaya potato potatoes Colorado potato beetle control Colorado potato beetle remedies Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 June 2024Not everyone knows how to defeat the onion fly and the Colorado potato beetle using one affordable remedy.
Marina Michalap onion fly pests pest control products Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 June 2024The Colorado potato beetle is perhaps the main enemy of potatoes.
Kurchev Anton growing potatoes life hacks with vinegar laundry soap mustard Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 June 2024One of the most effective ways to combat the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes is dusting.
Timur Khomichev potato Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 May 2024A very effective way to protect eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle is to plant repellent crops nearby.
Timur Khomichev eggplant Colorado potato beetle control Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 May 2024Not everyone knows how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle using white clover and wormwood.
Marina Michalap Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control pest control Garden and Vegetable Garden 5 May 2024Not everyone knows how to defeat the Colorado potato beetle with the help of celandine.
Marina Michalap Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control celandine at the dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 May 2024Not everyone knows how to defeat the Colorado potato beetle without using chemicals.
Marina Michalap Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 27 April 2024If you do not take any measures to combat the Colorado potato beetle, you can forget about a good harvest.
Elena Shimanovskaya Colorado potato beetle remedies Colorado potato beetle control pests garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 April 2024