How to fight the Colorado potato beetle? Summer residents, take preventive measures

30.01.2025 11:25

It has long been known that instead of looking for a solution to a problem, it is easier to prevent its occurrence or minimize its scale.

This rule can be actively implemented in the context of the fight against garden and horticultural pests.

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, an expert of the online publication "BelNovosti", a scientist, agronomist and landscape designer, told how to prevent the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle.

It is worth honestly admitting that no product can guarantee 100% protection against the appearance of pests.

Sooner or later, parasites will appear from neighboring areas as soon as the plantings there are treated.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Just don't sit back and do nothing.


First, do not plant potatoes in the same place.

Secondly, planting early potato varieties allows you to harvest before pests become active.

Thirdly, do not stop fighting the pest even in the fall, using traps, other tricks and preparations that help reduce the number of insects.

Fighting the beetle

You cannot rely entirely on chemicals or folk remedies.

Only a comprehensive fight can be called effective, which includes:

  • manual collection of adults, larvae and eggs;
  • use of biological preparations or chemicals for treating plantings;
  • attracting natural enemies of the Colorado potato beetle to the site, including ground beetles and ladybugs, which reduce the number of larvae and eggs of the pest.

Plant calendula, garlic, dill and other plants between the rows whose smell repels pests.

And the last piece of advice: When treating plantings with chemicals, do not use the same product twice in a row.

The fact is that the pest develops something similar to immunity, which reduces the effectiveness of the treatment.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

Anastasia Kovrizhnykh Expert: Anastasia KovrizhnykhExpert / Belnovosti

  1. Prevention
  2. Fighting the beetle