The distance between holes is ideally from 70 to 100 centimeters, and between rows – up to 2 meters.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants watermelon harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 April 2024This representative of the Umbelliferae family protects other crops planted by gardeners, protecting them from various diseases and pests.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants dill plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 April 2024Avoid planting garlic, beans, asparagus and sage next to onions.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants onion planting vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 April 2024To make everything as fast, convenient and, most importantly, effective as possible, the lunar calendar will tell you what days and what to plant during the week from April 8 to 14.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news plants lunar calendar gardener's lunar calendar Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 April 2024If a summer resident chooses the right place to plant a plant, he will already have done a lot to obtain a quality harvest.
Kurchev Anton gooseberry soil sunlight for plants advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 2 April 2024Roses can decorate any area with their appearance. But if you want these plants to bloom and please as long as possible, then you should choose the right place for planting them.
Olga Kotova roses at the dacha roses flowers garden and vegetable garden, dacha Garden and Vegetable Garden 28 March 2024The need to thin out radishes irritates many gardeners. Some gardeners are too lazy to carry out this procedure, while others simply do not have the time.
Kurchev Anton radish growing radishes thinning of seedlings advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 March 2024Onions are an indispensable vegetable in cooking. That is why many people prefer to grow them on their own plots.
Olga Kotova growing onions onion vegetables dacha and garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 March 2024Not all grape seedlings can be successful - here are some that will definitely not take root.
Igor Zur growing grapes grape seedlings advice for summer residents purchase Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 February 2024It is worth putting a handful of onion peels into the hole in which you plan to “install” the tomato seedlings.
Kurchev Anton tomatoes tomato seedlings onion peel harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 February 2024Many summer residents dream of finding a means that allows them to grow large potatoes even in unfavorable weather conditions and in soil that is not the most suitable for garden crops.
Kurchev Anton growing potatoes top dressing means advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024You can seriously increase your chances of getting a bountiful tomato harvest even before planting the seedlings. To do this, you need to add certain fertilizers to the soil.
Kurchev Anton tomatoes tomato seedlings fertilization increasing crop yields Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024Fruit crops can be conditionally divided into self-fertile and self-sterile.
Dmitry Liskovich seedlings plants planting plants planting shrubs Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 January 2024In our country there are quite a lot of organizations that sell garden seedlings.
Dmitry Liskovich seedlings choice garden at the dacha seedlings for the garden Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2024These trees should be planted near the house so that adversity passes by.
Igor Zur folk signs trees in the garden superstition advice for summer residents People and Events 7 January 2024Currants prefer shaded or semi-shaded places where they receive enough light, but do not burn out in direct sunlight.
Igor Zur currant advice for summer residents plant care spring Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 January 2024Some plants grow quickly and suppress other crops.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news country house plants life hacks Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 December 2023Many, if not all, gardeners prefer to prepare for the upcoming season in advance, which is why they grow flower seedlings.
Elena Shimanovskaya flowers planting ornamental plants annual flowers annual flowers flowering annuals Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 December 2023Any gardener will be upset if he grows small and tasteless beets.
Kurchev Anton growing beets increasing crop yields fertilizer methods Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 December 2023It is quite difficult to imagine most modern dishes without onions and garlic.
Dmitry Liskovich garden and vegetable garden, dacha garlic winter garlic board Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 December 2023