Not everyone knows why cucumbers get powdery mildew.
Marina Michalap powdery mildew cucumber diseases Garden and Vegetable Garden 10 August 2024Wood ash is a very useful remedy for cucumbers.
Kurchev Anton how to feed cucumbers ash ash as fertilizer advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 August 2024In the final third of summer, the gardener should protect cucumbers from pests. First of all, from aphids and spider mites.
Kurchev Anton pest control onion peel means advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 August 2024Hollow cucumbers are a fairly common problem that summer residents have to deal with when harvesting from their own “plantations”.
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers good harvest of cucumbers vegetables Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 July 2024During this period, the plant no longer needs nitrogen.
Kurchev Anton how to feed cucumbers fertilizers harvest advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 July 2024Not everyone knows how ammonia affects the development of cucumbers.
Marina Michalap ammonia feeding cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 July 2024We'll tell you what you need to do to pick cucumbers before October.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers fruiting of cucumbers how to prolong fruiting cucumber harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 July 2024The peak activity of aphids and spider mites occurs in July and August.
Kurchev Anton pests protection advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 24 July 2024Many gardeners want to prolong the fruiting of cucumbers. Oddly enough, you don’t have to strain yourself too much to achieve this result.
Kurchev Anton how to feed cucumbers fruiting of cucumbers means advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 23 July 2024We explain why you need to trim the whiskers of cucumbers.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers poison pruning Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 July 2024Not everyone knows whether it is worth using soda when growing cucumbers.
Marina Michalap soda at the dacha soda for cucumbers using soda Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 July 2024Summer residents were reminded of the rules for picking cucumbers - so that the harvest is stored longer and remains juicy.
Igor Zur cucumber harvest tips for gardeners mistakes storage Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 July 2024Using nettle as a fertilizer not only provides plants with the necessary substances, but also helps improve the structure of the soil.
Igor Zur folk recipes top dressing nettles in the country advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 July 2024The owner of a country plot will be able to harvest in the fall if he performs several important actions.
Kurchev Anton fruiting of cucumbers how to prolong fruiting fertilizers watering cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 July 2024We'll tell you about a fertilizer that can significantly increase the yield of cucumbers.
Timur Khomichev cucumbers feeding cucumbers fertilizer for cucumbers fertilizers for cucumbers Garden and Vegetable Garden 4 July 2024Bread fertilizer for cucumbers and tomatoes - how to prepare and how to use.
Igor Zur tomatoes folk remedies bread at the dacha use of fertilizers Garden and Vegetable Garden 3 July 2024If you can only dream of a good cucumber harvest, don’t give up and head to the store for some greens.
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers increasing the yield of cucumbers good harvest of cucumbers folk remedies Garden and Vegetable Garden 29 June 2024Even experienced gardeners sometimes make mistakes when growing cucumbers.
Elena Shimanovskaya cucumbers summer resident mistakes garden cucumber harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 21 June 2024The second month of summer is coming soon: a period of great importance for many garden crops will begin. Including cucumbers.
Kurchev Anton watering cucumbers fertilizers harvest advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 19 June 2024Many summer residents complain about the following problem: the fruits, located quite high on the cucumber bush, are small in size.
Kurchev Anton cucumbers useful substances advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 June 2024