Hamako Mori from Japan has become the oldest gamer in the world.
Elena Shimanovskaya record Guinness Book of Records gamers age Records and anti-records 2 January 2025Should only mom and dad raise a child? Or should other relatives also take part in raising the baby? Many parents ask themselves these questions.
Kurchev Anton raising children parents and children grandfather Advice to parents Children 6 August 2024Not only the child's mother and father, but also his grandparents can take part in raising the child.
Kurchev Anton raising children grandfather grandchildren parents and children Children 19 July 2024What parent would refuse to take their son or daughter to their grandparents for the weekend?
Elena Shimanovskaya child relatives family Love and Family 21 May 2024Older people often tend to feel lonely, so our job is to make them feel needed and happy.
Elena Shimanovskaya grandfather elderly people relatives old age Love and Family 11 April 2024How can we ensure that grandma’s love does not become “suffocating”?
Kurchev Anton grandfather communication with a child parents and children mistakes Children 19 March 2024To answer this question briefly, you will have to negotiate with your elders and seek compromises.
Dmitry Liskovich grandfather parents children and parents Advice to parents Children 16 January 2024Not everyone knows how our grandmothers washed dishes from grease without detergents and hot water.
Marina Michalap board life hacks a vessel kitchen Useful tips 5 August 2023There are some telltale signs that can give away a toxic grandma.
Marina Michalap family upbringing psychology children and family Children 15 July 2023Not everyone knows why you can find a broom or a whisk in grandmothers’ houses that are not usually used.
Marina Michalap board life hacks cleaning the apartment folk signs Useful tips 10 July 2023Grandmothers may become overly involved in the upbringing of their grandchildren for four main reasons.
Marina Michalap children and family upbringing psychology family Children 30 June 2023