Not everyone knows the signs by which one can identify an envious friend.
Marina Michalap envious person envy advice from psychologists People and Events 24 February 2024We have all heard that toxic relationships can be in a couple when one of the partners manipulates the feelings of the other, controls or is jealous. But it happens that this can also happen in the company of friends, but it is reflected a little differently.
Olga Kotova relationship toxicity in communication toxic relationship People People and Events 23 February 2024It is not by chance that many people believe in the existence of the brownie. But what if he shows aggression, constantly hides things and somehow harms?
Sergey Tumanov apartment attracting good luck methods folk signs People and Events 2 February 2024Not everyone knows why friends do not always share our joy and cannot sincerely rejoice at your successes.
Marina Michalap envy psychology of relationships communication with people People and Events 26 January 2024Some people are not worth communicating with because it does not bring the desired results.
Marina Michalap communication with people psychology advice from psychologists People and Events 9 January 2024Not everyone knows why you shouldn’t forbid a man to communicate with his friends.
Marina Michalap men and women habits of men male behavior family Love and Family 27 December 2023It often happens that cat owners really want, but cannot afford, a parrot, or, conversely, canary owners deny themselves the pleasure of acquiring a purring pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats birds pets and animals pets Pets 16 December 2023Due to some mistakes made by parents, children have difficulties communicating with other children.
Marina Michalap raising children Parents' mistakes psychology Children 14 December 2023Not everyone knows why you really shouldn't waste your time communicating with unpleasant people.
Marina Michalap communication psychological comfort psychology People and Events 30 November 2023Some habits of friends can irritate even close people.
Marina Michalap psychology of relationships annoying habits board People and Events 28 November 2023If a child has no friends, then it is worth paying attention to four possible reasons for this phenomenon.
Marina Michalap children and family parents psychology board Children 15 November 2023Three major shortcomings put a person at risk of being left alone.
Marina Michalap psychology communication board People and Events 10 November 2023If you have the right mindset, finding friends in adulthood will not be difficult.
Marina Michalap psychology board relationship People and Events 9 November 2023Experienced gardeners know that literally every second flower standing on your windowsill can be classified as poisonous.
Elena Shimanovskaya plants flowers yad danger Garden and Vegetable Garden 8 November 2023Not everyone knows whether two cats can become friends.
Marina Michalap animals cats science behavior Pets 27 October 2023There are certain types of people you shouldn't associate with.
Marina Michalap psychology People communication board People and Events 26 October 2023If a man is against your communication with your friends, then you should carefully analyze the situation.
Marina Michalap Love relationship psychology board Love and Family 24 October 2023Not everyone knows why it is difficult for people with high intelligence to find friends and a loved one.
Marina Michalap psychology relationship intelligence board People and Events 28 September 2023Cats are considered to be selfish animals that are difficult to make friends with. However, a person can easily find a common language with a pet.
Kurchev Anton cat behavior People board Pets 23 September 2023When communicating with his girlfriends and acquaintances, a man often experiences three difficulties.
Marina Michalap men women relationship psychology Love and Family 15 September 2023