

Growing an orchid at home is an exciting and difficult task. Not every amateur can boast that this capricious plant blooms well.

Olga Kotova top dressing growing orchids orchid Orchid fertilizing Garden and Vegetable Garden 7 February 2024

Many people are used to getting rid of potato peels right away. But it's better not to rush. After all, even waste can be useful.

Olga Kotova potato potato peel potato peels at the dacha life hacks country house Garden and Vegetable Garden 6 February 2024

As is known, strong roots provide seedlings with the necessary amount of nutrients, help resist diseases and pests, and also promote rapid growth and development of plants.

Elena Shimanovskaya seedling top dressing potato dressing fertilizer for seedlings Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2024

Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s worth taking advantage of your free minute to learn important information about popular fertilizers, one of which is the well-known nitroammophoska.

Elena Shimanovskaya top dressing nitroammofoska nitroammophoska fertilizer nitroammophoska application Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 January 2024

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to create ideal conditions for seedling growth, so the gardener’s task is to provide a little support to the young plants.

Elena Shimanovskaya seedling top dressing onion infusion onion peel infusion Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 January 2024

Sometimes summer residents who belong to the “amateur” category complain that double or simple superphosphate turned out to be ineffective.

Elena Shimanovskaya top dressing mistakes superphosphate double superphosphate Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 January 2024

Wood ash is a natural phosphorus-potassium fertilizer that contains many useful microelements and promotes the development and fruiting of plants.

Elena Shimanovskaya currant ash top dressing ash as fertilizer Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2024

Every summer resident has the opportunity to prepare valuable fertilizer for plants from what they grow in their beds and gardens.

Elena Shimanovskaya compost compost waste compost accelerator what do they put in compost Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2024