It is the unexpected events that shape us, sharpening our resilience and deepening our wisdom.
Vitaly Kisterny wisdom board Economy 11 August 2024An expert named the signs of deferred life syndrome and spoke about the dangers of this phenomenon.
Igor Zur advice from psychologists happiness in life deferred life syndrome signs People and Events 6 August 2024So, you invested your money in a Start-up, but it was unable to bring you income, on the contrary, it drove you into debt.
Vitaly Kisterny money business Economy 5 August 2024Whether you believe in superstitions or not, following these tips can help create a more harmonious and positive atmosphere in your home.
Sergey Tumanov Top news house things life hacks Useful tips 15 July 2024What words and phrases should everyone who wants to succeed in life forget?
Igor Zur psychological attitudes mistakes words and phrases positive parenting People and Events 29 June 2024The reasons why people become losers are because people themselves are the cause of their own misfortunes.
Igor Zur psychological attitudes mistakes board loss of interest People and Events 31 May 2024Many people get stuck on their own failures. They constantly remember these failures and do not allow themselves to calm down.
Kurchev Anton problems in life reaction methods psychological trick People and Events 7 May 2024Here are some good examples that every child will be happy to hear.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children child development money and finance Children 30 April 2024Parents were given three pieces of advice to help support their child in case of failure.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children child development child psychology Children 18 April 2024What are the popular beliefs associated with keys and what kind of sign promises long-term troubles.
Igor Zur folk signs problems with keys signs and superstitions superstitions and omens People and Events 3 February 2024Psychologists say that the essence of any failure is partly false expectations - a person did not achieve the desired goal.
Dmitry Liskovich error People human psychology psychology of personality Useful tips 23 January 2024Many people have long paid attention to the special properties of various crystals.
Sergey Tumanov crystal house problems protection from trouble folk signs Useful tips 12 January 2024Signs associated with a leap year - what you shouldn't do.
Igor Zur folk signs holidays and calendar superstition useful tips and life hacks People and Events 31 December 2023When choosing Christmas tree decorations, most people rely only on their appearance, completely forgetting about the signs. And in vain.
Sergey Tumanov New Year tree Christmas tree decorations board winter signs People and Events 25 December 2023Many of us often have thoughts that we are losers in life.
Dmitry Liskovich psychology success human psychology social psychology Useful tips 24 December 2023