Three clear signs that indicate that your cat is sick.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners vet for cat painful symptoms facts about cats Pets 5 April 2024Experts have explained in which cases walking your cat outside will be beneficial, and when it is better not to try.
Igor Zur age of cat Tips for cat owners a walk useful tips and life hacks Pets 3 April 2024Why a cat that constantly purrs needs to be shown to the vet.
Igor Zur pets cat behavior Tips for cat owners veterinarian Pets 2 April 2024If a cat's pupils are constantly dilated, this does not always indicate illness, but there are exceptions.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners eyes facts about cats cat behavior Pets 30 March 2024Old age affects cats the same way it affects people: health problems arise.
Kurchev Anton age of cat cat care the rules diet Pets 20 March 2024When your cat's nose tells you about health problems, remember these four signs.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat behavior health condition pets Pets 13 March 2024Why it's better to buy your cat a tangible toy than to entertain him with a laser pointer.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat toy laser pointer pets Pets 12 March 2024Odors in the apartment that negatively affect the health of pets.
Igor Zur dog health smell in the house air aromatization Tips for cat owners Pets 25 February 2024Not everyone knows whether cats can be given milk and milk-based products.
Marina Michalap can a cat have milk cat diet keeping cats Pets 24 February 2024If your pet starts gnawing on the leaves of your indoor plants, this is a cause for concern.
Olga Kotova cats cats There are cats living in the apartment plants Pets 23 February 2024Not everyone knows why a cat may ignore its owner.
Marina Michalap cat behavior cat ignores owner keeping cats Pets 21 February 2024