No matter how restless your kitten is, you can be sure that with due patience you will be able to teach him to perform simple commands.
Elena Shimanovskaya kitty training cat training pets and animals Pets 30 January 2025Teamwork is an important skill for every child to master because it helps them interact effectively with others and use their abilities to achieve a common goal.
Elena Shimanovskaya child council mom dad teaching a child child development Children 6 December 2024Cats understand some simple gesture commands and can respond to them.
Igor Zur pets and animals cat training research by scientists facts about cats Pets 2 December 2024Learn how to become a successful leader and effectively manage a team.
Vitaly Kisterny business board strategy Economy 18 November 2024If a company wants to achieve success in business, then first of all it must have a good personnel policy, when the company hires the right people who will move it forward.
Vitaly Kisterny board Economy 16 July 2024In most cases, people are the main asset of a company.
Vitaly Kisterny business money profit board Economy 9 July 2024Thinking before speaking is a good way to avoid mistakes and conflicts. And in the workplace, it is always vital, especially in leadership positions.
Vitaly Kisterny phrases head board Economy 7 July 2024A leader leads people, and a boss manages subordinates.
Valeria Kisternaya leader board People and Events 20 March 2024A dream team is what helps an entrepreneur effectively solve business problems.
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