A dream team is what helps an entrepreneur effectively solve business problems.
But not all business owners or managers know how to recruit competent employees.
Some are afraid of “growing up” competitors, others carry the entire burden of work on their own, and still others save on personnel.
And they all lose profit. How to form a team that will be on the same wavelength with you, says expert-practitioner of foreign economic activity, teacher of the Skolkovo school Anna Fomicheva .
"Many businessmen do not understand how to create a dream team, get stuck in small operational processes, and therefore do not develop and do not scale. There are a number of steps that will help to build an effectively working team over time," notes Anna.

Step One: Hire Professionals
The main mistake entrepreneurs make when recruiting a team is that they skimp on professionals and hire newbies.
After all, good experts need to be paid, and they are smart and ambitious, otherwise they would not have grown to their level. Also, many owners have a fear of competition - what if hired workers steal ideas or take away clients or contractors when they are fired. Of course, such fears need to be fought.
Firstly, a newbie will have to be trained, and this is a waste of time and resources. Therefore, it is much more profitable to immediately hire professionals to whom you can delegate some of the tasks - they will take their place in the team and help in achieving the set goals.
Secondly, it's all about what you delegate to your employees. "Put routine tasks, such as marketing or logistics, in the hands of your team.
But working with direct suppliers, creating a strategy and maintaining relationships with partners is the entrepreneur's direct task and his asset, which must be taken care of and protected. Set the right tasks for your team and everything will be fine," explains Fomicheva.
Step two: Don't be afraid to fire employees
If an employee does not fit into the team and does not fulfill his duties, do not keep him out of pity or fear of appearing unpleasant. Business should work here and now.
And the entrepreneur’s task is to think about his development, and not about the fact that someone will discuss his decisions over the water cooler.
Sometimes an employee comes with a good resume and shows his true colors much later. If you want to run your business effectively, don't be afraid to say goodbye to ineffective team members.
Step Three: Delegate Routine Tasks
Daily tasks, administration, marketing, social media, phone calls, logistics – these are the things that can be handed over to hired professionals. “Cool employees who will take on routine processes are needed and useful.
Do what requires your attention and focus on what will allow the business to grow and the team members to complete the tasks set. Then the business processes will go easier,” says Anna.
Step Four: Work on Your Mind and Take Care of Your Health
“Many of my clients who want to scale up forget that in order to achieve success, you need to constantly engage in self-development and improve your thinking.
Be sure to read the right books - the same classics, and not just about successful success - expand your competencies, study history.
This way you will understand what is happening in the world as a whole and make plans for the long term. Today you are small, and tomorrow you will start growing. So why not immediately lay down a pool of opportunities for yourself,” says Anna Fomicheva.
An entrepreneur also needs to take care of his health. The idea that you can work 24/7 forever and not burn out is a dangerous trap that many entrepreneurs fall into. A person who wants to build a solid business should not carry everything on themselves.
He needs to establish a proper daily routine and focus on maintaining his health. “How you start your morning is how your day will go,” says the expert. “Your mood determines how you will think, make decisions, conduct business, communicate with clients and employees. You can’t move only on low energy.”
Step Five: Be Responsible for Important Decisions and Calculate Risks
Some businessmen, when they start delegating tasks, trust employees to make important decisions, and this cannot be allowed.
Each team member must perform their duties, but strategic issues are the prerogative of the management. It is the business owner who should always have the final say, a competent calculation of the financial model of the transaction, plans for scaling and the formation of a strategy.
The owner must receive information from responsible persons, but it is his prerogative to manage it and make decisions. After all, the dream team begins with him as the leader.
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