Many mothers and fathers are familiar with the problem when the baby seems to have fallen asleep, he has already been transferred to the crib, he is sleeping - and after a few minutes a desperate cry is heard.
Elena Shimanovskaya child baby sleep awakening night awakenings Children 12 July 2024We'll tell you why people wake up at three o'clock in the morning.
Timur Khomichev insomnia awakening night awakenings sleep problems Useful tips 4 July 2024Night awakenings can be caused by various reasons: illness, stress, incorrect functioning of the “biological clock”, etc.
Kurchev Anton night awakenings doctor devices Beauty and health 5 June 2024Waking up at night is irritating to a person, and it’s no wonder – it’s unlikely that you’ll get enough sleep in such a situation, which is why the whole next day will pass in a fog.
Elena Shimanovskaya health dreams awakening night awakenings Beauty and health 14 March 2024