In 1994, this dog reached a speed of 67.32 kilometers per hour.
Kurchev Anton interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 23 July 2024In the 18th and 19th centuries, the hussar Ladislav Shkulteti-Gabrisch served in the Austrian army.
Kurchev Anton Austria army interesting facts Records and anti-records 22 July 2024Ted Hastings wore 260 T-shirts to raise money for a playground.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records outerwear Canada Records and anti-records 18 July 2024American Michelle Lesko got into the Guinness Book of Records by eating almost 2.5 kg of mayonnaise in three minutes.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records mayonnaise food products Records and anti-records 16 July 2024Shotaro Ishinomori is a very famous Japanese mangaka. This is what the creators of manga - Japanese comics - are called.
Kurchev Anton Japan interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 16 July 2024A 92-year-old American woman has made it into the Guinness Book of Records for her love of water skiing.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records age elderly people Records and anti-records 15 July 2024At the time of the last measurement, the total length of the fingernails on the man's left hand was... 909 centimeters.
Kurchev Anton India man nails Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 13 July 2024Lulu Lotus from Canada can whistle music the loudest.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records Canada music interesting facts Canada News Records and anti-records 12 July 2024Rumeys Gelgi is recognized as the tallest woman in the world due to a rare disease.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records woman disease Records and anti-records 11 July 2024In Los Angeles, a pizza was baked covering an area of more than one thousand square meters.
Igor Zur pizza Guinness Book of Records fast food achievements Records and anti-records 9 July 2024An American has been eating burgers for half a century and is still alive.
Igor Zur fast food burger health interesting facts Records and anti-records 8 July 2024Roy Kirby took a 500-kilogram kick to the groin and didn't even squeak.
Igor Zur man karate workouts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 5 July 2024Currently, the tallest man on the planet is Sultan Kösen from Turkey. The man's height is 251 centimeters.
Kurchev Anton Turkey interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Turkey News Records and anti-records 3 July 2024Spanish scientists have found ancient wine in one of the Roman tombs.
Igor Zur archaeologists excavations wine Spain News of Spain Records and anti-records 1 July 2024A ticket on the Maharaja Express costs over 45 thousand dollars - why so much money?
Igor Zur journey railway India trips India News Records and anti-records 30 June 2024In China, the world's longest bridge, almost 165 km, was built in just 4 years.
Igor Zur construction China technology China News Records and anti-records 29 June 2024Samantha Ramsdell, according to the Guinness Book of Records commission, has an outstanding feature - she has the largest mouth.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records woman's appearance social network popularity Records and anti-records 27 June 2024The longest railway route exceeds 18 thousand kilometers and connects Lisbon with Singapore.
Igor Zur railway journey trains Records and anti-records 21 June 2024New Zealand is home to street artist Lucky Diamond Rich.
Kurchev Anton New Zealand man tattoo Guinness Book of Records New Zealand News Records and anti-records 20 June 2024The British Guiana stamp sold for $9.5 million.
Kurchev Anton interesting facts auction Records and anti-records 18 June 2024