Having talent or outstanding abilities allows a person to do things that are inaccessible to others.
Canadian Ted Hastings had neither, but he still got into the Guinness Book of Records, and not for the sake of fame.
The fact is that Hastings became the only person in the world who managed to wear 260 T-shirts at once.

He came up with this idea to raise money to build a playground near the school.
The record was officially registered in February 2019 in Ontario.
Man officially recognised as record holder for number of T-shirts worn at once
Hastings started wearing size M T-shirts and stopped when the labels said 20XL.
In the end, the goal was achieved - Ted ended up wearing 260 T-shirts, his name was entered into the Book of Records, and the site was built.
It is still unknown whether anyone has been found willing to break the record set by the Canadian.