Currently, the tallest man on the planet is Sultan Kösen from Turkey.
The man's height is 251 centimeters.
This incredible achievement earned Sultan Kösen a place in the Guinness Book of Records.
However, it is worth emphasizing that the current record holder is not the tallest person in history.
What is known about Sultan Kösen
He was born on December 10, 1982 in the Turkish city of Mardin.
It is worth noting that Kösen's parents are not giants: they are of quite normal height.
But their son turned out to be very tall. The reason was a pituitary tumor.
However, thanks to the efforts of doctors, hormonal activity was normalized. Because of this, Kösen stopped growing at about 30 years old.
The 251-centimeter man is known to be a farmer.
Sultan finds many advantages in his height. For example, it is easy for a man to work with tall plants and change light bulbs.
But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, the record holder has to look for special clothes and shoes. The length of his pants is 153 centimeters, and the size of his shoes is 62.
Secondly, Kösen has great difficulty getting into vehicles.
Who was taller than Sultan Kosen?
Throughout history, there have been several people who could boast of being taller.
First of all, we are talking about the American Robert Wadlow, who died in 1940. His height was 272 centimeters.
Also known are the 269cm John William Rogan and the 263cm John Carroll.
The height of Ukrainian Leonid Stadnik, who passed away in 2014, was 257 centimeters.
Earlier we told you how many days a person can go without sleep.