A dog trainer has named the non-obvious signs of acute pain in a dog - pay attention.
Igor Zur dog health board canine pets about dogs Pets 22 January 2024Many owners wonder how dogs see people and the world around them.
Dmitry Liskovich dog an experiment perception how a dog sees the world Pets 21 January 2024It turns out that scientists still cannot adequately explain why dogs wag their tails.
Dmitry Liskovich dog tail wobble the dog wags its tail Pets 20 January 2024Most likely, your four-legged friend is experiencing stress, hunger, or excess energy.
Kurchev Anton dog chews shoes reasons problems Tips for dog owners Pets 20 January 2024A dog trainer explained how to choose a place for a dog in an apartment - food, toys and dog habits will help.
Igor Zur board canine pet dog in the apartment dog training Pets 19 January 2024A dog trainer explained why you shouldn’t pay attention to gender when choosing a dog.
Igor Zur board canine dog breeds mistakes nature Pets 18 January 2024The dog trainer said that a dog needs to be walked every day - the size of the pet does not matter.
Igor Zur dog walking board canine mistakes myths about dogs Pets 18 January 2024Few people know which dogs are actually the most aggressive in the world.
Marina Michalap the most aggressive dogs dangerous dogs aggression in dogs Records and anti-records 18 January 2024Not everyone knows why a dog might bite its owner.
Marina Michalap about dogs bitten by a dog dog training Pets 17 January 2024Here are some tips to help you train your pet to return to its owner when walking without a leash.
Igor Zur dog training dog training board canine dog walking Pets 16 January 2024A dog trainer has listed actions that should not be performed when meeting a strange dog.
Igor Zur board canine pets about dogs useful tips and life hacks Pets 15 January 2024Not everyone knows why dogs are so attached to people.
Marina Michalap dog and man science dog behavior Pets 15 January 2024A dog trainer explained why it is better not to overfeed dogs in winter.
Igor Zur feeding dogs winter walking dogs in winter board canine Pets 12 January 2024Not everyone knows why dogs can eat soil and how dangerous this behavior is.
Marina Michalap dog behavior dog health dog keeping Pets 11 January 2024Experts have named six dog breeds that will keep a lonely person company - they are distinguished by their intelligence and loyalty.
Igor Zur dog breeds character traits pets dog behavior Pets 11 January 2024Many people want to get a dog. But some of them do not dare to take this step, because they are afraid of not being able to cope.
Kurchev Anton dogs dog breeds board Pets 11 January 2024Experts have named the reasons why a dog will not eat dry food - not only illnesses.
Igor Zur feeding dog in the apartment veterinarian about dogs Pets 10 January 2024The dog trainer advises to accustom the dog to clothes gradually and not insistently.
Igor Zur walking dogs in winter board canine cloth gifts for pets Pets 10 January 2024A cynologist named the main reason why people get dogs.
Igor Zur dogs board canine about dogs dog breeds Pets 9 January 2024It's time to forget some stereotypes about dogs, as they mislead us.
Marina Michalap stereotypes about dogs dog behavior dogs Pets 8 January 2024