Not everyone knows which cat breeds are ideal for seniors.
Marina Michalap cat breeds cats for pensioners how to choose a cat elderly people Pets 19 September 2024Not everyone knows why many people choose mongrel dogs and cats.
Marina Michalap mongrel cats mongrel dogs facts about dogs Pets 13 September 2024Not everyone knows why a cat might put its paw in a bowl of water.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior keeping cats Pets 10 September 2024The three most expensive cat breeds have been named: serval, savannah and Bengal.
Igor Zur unusual pets cat breeds the most expensive cat breeds interesting facts Pets 10 September 2024Not everyone knows how to stop a cat from jumping on the table.
Marina Michalap the cat jumps on the table stop a cat from jumping on the table cat behavior Pets 9 September 2024The five largest heavyweight cats in the world - weight can reach 15 kg.
Igor Zur cat breeds pets cat character Tips for cat owners Pets 9 September 2024List of the largest breeds of domestic cats: not only Maine Coon - there are plenty to choose from.
Igor Zur cat breeds Tips for cat owners pets characteristics of cat breeds Pets 7 September 2024Scientific facts about the ability of cats to heal people - not everything is so hopeless.
Igor Zur cat behavior depression research by scientists care for human health Pets 6 September 2024It's no secret that our meowing four-legged friends love the smell of valerian and catnip. But there are other "aromas" that attract fluffy creatures.
Kurchev Anton pets smells what smells do cats like Tips for cat owners Pets 3 September 2024Not everyone knows why cats constantly lick themselves.
Marina Michalap why does a cat lick itself cleanliness of cats cat behavior Pets 1 September 2024One of the main reasons why a cat rubs against a person's legs is its natural desire to mark its territory.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners pets Pets 1 September 2024Not everyone knows how exactly a cat chooses a place to sleep.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior keeping cats Pets 31 August 2024Does your cat yawn periodically when he or she is near you? Rejoice: this is a very good sign.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior yawning why does a cat yawn Pets 28 August 2024Scientists have named 4 reasons, besides love and devotion, why cats come to sleep with their owner.
Igor Zur cat behavior cat in the apartment research by scientists experts Pets 28 August 2024Sometimes cats demonstrate cute behavior. For example, they press their muzzles against their owner.
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior signs reasons Pets 27 August 2024A person who has one cat in their home may well want to get a second pet.
Kurchev Anton pets second cat in the house preparation Tips for cat owners Pets 23 August 2024The cat's desire to clean up the litter box after visiting it is purely instinctual.
Igor Zur cat behavior Tips for cat owners cat in the apartment bacteria Pets 21 August 2024Not everyone knows whether cats love their owners.
Marina Michalap cats cat behavior cat love Pets 16 August 2024Don't be surprised if your cat chooses your sweater, which you forgot on the couch, as its "sleeping place".
Kurchev Anton pets cat behavior cloth things Pets 14 August 2024Australian scientists have confirmed the existence of the "crazy cat lady" phenomenon.
Igor Zur cats and people research by scientists nerve mental health Pets 14 August 2024