Digital devices are not only harmful to children's psyche, but also expose them to violence.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes child and gadgets Advice to parents child health Children 16 August 2024Five mistakes an adult makes when trying to calm or encourage a crying child.
Igor Zur Parents' mistakes raising children Advice to parents words and phrases Children 13 August 2024Not all parents know why children should not be scolded in public.
Marina Michalap Punishment of a child Advice to parents raising children Children 11 August 2024A psychologist spoke about the influence modern cartoons have on children using specific examples.
Igor Zur Advice to parents raising children cartoons mistakes Children 6 August 2024Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that computer games help teenagers by making them more psychologically resilient.
Igor Zur video games research by scientists video games benefits children's health Children 5 July 2024Not everyone knows what activities will help to raise a harmoniously developed personality.
Marina Michalap raising children advice from psychologists Advice to parents Children 10 June 2024Not everyone knows how to replace the word "no" when raising a child.
Marina Michalap raising children parents and children advice from psychologists Children 9 June 2024Not everyone knows what tricks will help a child grow up sensible.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents advice from psychologists Children 8 June 2024Not all parents know why they should stop "lecturing."
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents secrets of education Children 28 May 2024Not everyone knows why it is impossible to use the method of material reward in the educational process.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents advice from psychologists Children 27 May 2024Not everyone knows why empty threats should not be used as one of the pedagogical tools in the educational process.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents advice from psychologists Children 26 May 2024Not everyone knows how to teach a child the ability to have their own opinion.
Marina Michalap raising children own opinion Advice to parents Children 18 May 2024Some phrases that parents say have a detrimental effect on the child's psyche.
Marina Michalap Parents' phrases Advice to parents advice from psychologists Children 15 May 2024Not all parents know why a child should not be compared with other children.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents parenting tips Children 12 May 2024Not everyone knows which two popular pieces of parenting advice are not worth paying attention to.
Marina Michalap raising children parenting tips Advice to parents Children 9 May 2024Not all parents know what things are important to teach a child before they reach ten years of age.
Marina Michalap raising children Advice to parents advice from psychologists Children 1 May 2024Not everyone knows why experts recommend hugging your children more often.
Marina Michalap why hug a child benefits of hugs Advice to parents Children 29 April 2024There are some phrases that parents are better off not saying if they don't want to cause emotional trauma to their child.
Marina Michalap Parents' phrases Advice to parents raising children Children 27 April 2024Not everyone knows what signs indicate a spoiled child.
Marina Michalap spoiled child child behavior Advice to parents Children 21 April 2024