What Happens to a Child Who Is Constantly Compared to Others: Experts Reveal Unexpected Facts

12.05.2024 16:30

Even the most educated and loving parents are sometimes unable to completely give up comparisons: we will still continue to do it.

However, at least the child needs to be freed from this misfortune.

The fact is that this has a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

What happens to a child who is constantly compared to others

He becomes insecure about himself.

It seems to the child that everyone around him is perfect in everything and only he can’t do anything right. Comparisons that are not in the child’s favor tell him that he is not good enough.

If you constantly remind him of this, then there can be no talk of believing in himself, experts explain.

Photo: Pixabay


Not all children go into reflection and introspection: some of them start to get angry, which is a normal defense mechanism.

Therefore, you should not provoke your child to show aggression unnecessarily.


The mechanism for the formation of complexes is different for everyone, but one thing is certain: constant comparisons of a child with others become fertile ground for their development.

Therefore, it is definitely not worth comparing your child with others on a constant basis.

Previously, we talked about the recommendations experienced educators give regarding children .

Marina Michalap Author: Marina Michalap Internet resource editor

  1. What happens to a child who is constantly compared to others
  2. He becomes insecure about himself.
  3. Anger
  4. Complexes