Veterinarians do not recommend giving cats tap water and warn them about illnesses.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment tap water Tips for cat owners mistakes Pets 31 January 2024Cats should not sleep in the same bed with their owner - they can share parasites or infect with microsporia.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment fungal diseases Tips for cat owners mistakes Pets 29 January 2024How much sour cream per day can be given to adult cats and kittens.
Igor Zur cat food heavy cream Tips for cat owners pets Pets 24 January 2024Even a healthy cat may have a dry and hot nose - there are other signs of illness.
Igor Zur vet for cat pets disease Tips for cat owners Pets 22 January 2024Experts have named six products that can kill a cat.
Igor Zur vet for cat cat food mistakes useful tips and life hacks Pets 19 January 2024When a cat reaches old age, every loving owner begins to seriously worry about their pet.
Kurchev Anton cats age of cat life expectancy board Pets 16 January 2024Experts have told how to extend the life of a domestic cat - they will live up to 20 years.
Igor Zur vet for cat cat food useful tips and life hacks longevity of cats Pets 15 January 2024A veterinarian explained what food needs to be warmed up before feeding cats and why this is so important.
Igor Zur cats cat food veterinarian useful tips and life hacks Pets 12 January 2024Reasons why a cat may start shedding constantly, and what to do in such a case.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment shedding useful tips and life hacks cat care Pets 12 January 2024A cat with its tongue hanging out looks funny. But sometimes caring owners are not in the mood for laughing: they may suspect that something is wrong with their pet.
Kurchev Anton cats facts about cats the cat sticks out its tongue signs Pets 12 January 2024Pets should be fed balanced and fresh food at room temperature. Therefore, it is important to preheat the food for the animal.
Olga Kotova cats cats fodder cat food Pets 11 January 2024Domestic cats living outdoors do not have the skills to survive in the wild and can die faster in winter than stray animals.
Igor Zur pets cat in the apartment vet for cat winter Pets 9 January 2024Experts have named three common mistakes owners make that shorten a cat's life.
Igor Zur vet for cat cat behavior mistakes board Pets 5 January 2024Cats make their owners feel better - you have to pay them back in kind.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment vet for cat longevity of cats useful tips and life hacks Pets 22 December 2023Not everyone knows whether it is possible to let domestic cats outside.
Marina Michalap cat and street cat owners cats health Pets 14 December 2023With the help of three simple rules, you can significantly increase the life expectancy of your beloved cat.
Marina Michalap longevity of cats cat care cats health Pets 13 December 2023The veterinarian explained what needs to be done after the cat returns from a walk and what infections the pet should be vaccinated against.
Igor Zur vet for cat cat in the apartment vaccination board Pets 13 December 2023Not everyone knows how safe it is to pick up cats from the street.
Marina Michalap stray cats helping animals cats Pets 12 December 2023Not everyone knows which cats were the heaviest in history.
Marina Michalap Guinness Book of Records cat records cats excess weight Records and anti-records 12 December 2023