Not everyone knows why cats think we are far from the smartest creatures. However, pets have their own arguments.
Marina Michalap animals cats science Pets 31 August 2023The thing is that fluffy creatures don’t want to drink stagnant water.
Kurchev Anton cats pets reasons water Pets 31 August 2023Not everyone knows why cats like to sleep near the front door.
Marina Michalap animals cats science Pets 29 August 2023Most cats respond positively to human affection. But not all.
Kurchev Anton cats pets problems reasons Pets 29 August 2023A person needs to figure out what exactly caused the change in the furry animal's behavior. Perhaps the animal needs help.
Kurchev Anton cats pets aggression reasons Pets 28 August 2023Not everyone knows what may be associated with increased thirst in dogs.
Marina Michalap animals health dogs science Pets 25 August 2023If you dream of a calm cat, then you should pay attention to representatives of three breeds.
Marina Michalap records animals cats nature Records and anti-records 25 August 2023Don't say anything. And especially don't shout. Instead, clap your hands.
Kurchev Anton dogs pets shoes toys Pets 25 August 2023Children often show obstinacy, not wanting to fulfill their parents' requests and deliberately acting contrary to the opinions of mom and dad.
Kurchev Anton child parents questions tricks Children 25 August 2023Not everyone knows why cats can stare at their owner's face.
Marina Michalap animals cats science Pets 24 August 2023If a cat runs away from home, it is a huge stress for the owner.
Kurchev Anton cats pets stress reasons Pets 24 August 2023Some children are often sad and feel like they are unnecessary in the family. Moreover, such a situation may arise through no fault of the parents.
Kurchev Anton child words happiness signs Children 24 August 2023Not everyone knows why cats may try to get into the bathroom with their owner.
Marina Michalap animals science cats bathroom Pets 23 August 2023The puppies look very cute and, due to their inexperience, they do funny and strange things.
Dmitry Liskovich puppy dog Pets 23 August 2023If you want to have a good relationship with your cat, then get rid of three annoying habits.
Marina Michalap science animals cats Pets 21 August 2023Many furry pets demonstrate their maximum level of activity not during the day, but at night.
Kurchev Anton cats pets night reasons Pets 20 August 2023A cat's tail is a kind of indicator of the animal's mood and condition.
Kurchev Anton cats pets emotions joy Pets 19 August 2023Not everyone knows why cats like to use sofas and armchairs instead of scratching posts.
Marina Michalap animals cats board Pets 18 August 2023Not all dogs are courageous and able to cope with any stressful situations.
Kurchev Anton dogs pets problems board Pets 18 August 2023The position of a cat's tail can tell a lot about its mood.
Kurchev Anton cats pets danger board Pets 17 August 2023