Candidate of Chemical Sciences Alexey Panov spoke about the rules for storing food in the refrigerator.
Timur Khomichev products storage cold storage food storage Useful tips 7 January 2025If you prefer to spend the holidays at home and invite guests to your place, you probably know how to play Tetris, trying to fit all the food into the refrigerator before and after the celebration.
Elena Shimanovskaya food dishes festive table festive dishes Useful tips 20 December 2024Some products are strictly prohibited from being stored in the refrigerator.
Timur Khomichev products food storage cold storage food in the fridge Beauty and health 20 December 2024Some people cover the container with a saucer. But this is not the best option.
Kurchev Anton red caviar bank storage the rules Useful tips 18 December 2024You're probably familiar with the ban on putting pots and pans of food into the refrigerator before it's cooled down.
Elena Shimanovskaya dishes hot food food storage food products Cooking 14 December 2024Winter is the time when all summer residents are busy buying seeds for the next season.
Elena Shimanovskaya seeds buy seeds cold growing seeds Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 December 2024The refrigerator is one of the main "consumers" of electricity in every home. A simple trick with a banknote will help optimize the costs that result from using a refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya household appliances Electricity energy saving life hacks Useful tips 9 December 2024You can find a lot of tips and life hacks on the Internet about how to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya smell in the refrigerator how to get rid of the smell mustard powder Useful tips 20 November 2024Simply taking the product out of the freezer and leaving it for a couple of hours is not enough.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news products freezer Useful tips 17 November 2024The pensioner was discovered at home by her grandson - she was lying under a refrigerator that had fallen on her.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Grodno Grodno News woman Incidents 4 November 2024If you have encountered such a problem as an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, you have probably wondered about ways to solve it - fortunately, there are many of them.
Elena Shimanovskaya smell in the refrigerator unpleasant smell oatmeal life hacks Useful tips 1 November 2024Over time, everyone faces the problem of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.
Elena Shimanovskaya smell in the refrigerator unpleasant smell soda life hacks Useful tips 27 October 2024With one simple method you can get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.
Marina Michalap smell in the refrigerator wash the refrigerator tips for housewives Useful tips 18 October 2024At present, according to information voiced by Shuleiko, discussions on this issue are underway.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Baranovichi Baranovichi News institution Society 23 September 2024We tell you how to extend the shelf life of flour and prevent insects from appearing in it.
Timur Khomichev pain storage cold storage Useful tips 14 September 2024Initially, production is expected to be 5,000 refrigerators, but by the end of the year, up to 10,000 units are forecast.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Baranovichi Baranovichi News aircraft Society 9 September 2024We tell you what you really need to store in the bottom drawer of your refrigerator.
Timur Khomichev products cold storage food storage tips for housewives Useful tips 28 August 2024We'll tell you why experienced housewives put salt in the refrigerator.
Timur Khomichev salt smell in the refrigerator humidity in the refrigerator life hacks with salt Useful tips 20 August 2024Not everyone knows how to protect the refrigerator from unpleasant odors.
Marina Michalap unpleasant smell smell in the refrigerator Useful tips 21 July 2024Storing tomatoes in the refrigerator will actually help them stay fresh for a longer period of time.
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