Experienced housewives and part-time flower lovers do not throw hair from their combs into the trash can.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers care board tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 April 2023Many plants have magical properties that will be useful to their owners.
Elena Gutyro flowers money Love family Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 April 2023Ants in the garden can be both very useful and harmful.
Elena Gutyro garden ants pests Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 April 2023The money tree (crassula) is a mythologized houseplant that is shrouded in legends about attracting wealth and luck.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers board folk signs superstition Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023If you want your indoor plants to bloom, you should feed them with a special nutrient composition.
Marina Michalap flowers top dressing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023Houseplants complement the interior of the home, improve the well-being of household members and purify the air.
Dmitry Bobrovich flowers now reasons folk signs Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023Experienced gardeners often choose mixed plantings for two reasons.
Dmitry Bobrovich now strawberry landing harvest Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023One of the life hacks that will reliably protect against insect bites is the use of an aqueous solution based on apple cider vinegar and essential oils.
Elena Gutyro pliers health garden essential oils Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023They grow in slightly acidic soils, moderately shaded areas and, most importantly, do not require special protection from frost.
Igor Zur flowers country house frost hydrangea Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023New moon - what you can and cannot do in the garden this week.
Igor Zur Moon calendar seeds trees Garden and Vegetable Garden 17 April 2023Irga can often be found in garden plots, because the fruits of this bush are distinguished by their sweetness and juiciness.
Elena Shimanovskaya now landing the rules soil board Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023Plant chlorosis occurs when photosynthesis processes slow down and the amount of active pigment chlorophyll decreases.
Elena Shimanovskaya garden diseases disease reasons Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023Not everyone knows that with the help of an incredibly simple tool you can transform indoor flowers.
Marina Michalap flowers top dressing board Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023Not everyone knows that ordinary cinnamon can be an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants.
Marina Michalap top dressing board spices Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023Not everyone knows that the water in which chicken eggs were boiled can become a valuable fertilizer for indoor plants.
Marina Michalap board life hacks hostess top dressing Useful tips 16 April 2023Plants are not only a beautiful decorative element, but also useful helpers for health and well-being.
Elena Gutyro benefit flowers air cleaning cleaning Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023Seedlings are the key to a future harvest of vegetables and flowers. But in order for them to be strong and healthy, it is necessary not only to sow and grow the seeds correctly, but also to feed the plants in a timely manner.
Elena Gutyro seedling vegetables fertilizer top dressing Garden and Vegetable Garden 16 April 2023If you want to get rid of snails and slugs, then you should plant some plants in your garden.
Marina Michalap garden pests board Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 April 2023If you want to increase the berry harvest, then you should plant suitable plants next to the strawberries.
Marina Michalap now board strawberry berries Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 April 2023Not all summer residents know what crops can be planted between potato rows.
Marina Michalap garden potato country house board Garden and Vegetable Garden 15 April 2023