The young people contacted potential landlords via social media, discussed rental terms, and agreed to meet.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News rent an apartment scammers 4 December 2024The injured young man was taken to one of the city hospitals.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News tram pedestrian collision 4 December 2024As a result of the accident, a 37-year-old taxi passenger was injured and taken to hospital.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News fees road accident 3 December 2024In the steam room of the bathhouse on the first floor of the water park, the paneling was smoldering.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News water park fire 2 December 2024The driver was reportedly taken to one of the city hospitals.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News road accident hospital 1 December 2024Telephone scammers posing as employees of an energy organization and law enforcement agencies swindled more than 13,000 rubles from a Minsk resident.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud telephone scammers telephone fraud 29 November 2024During the conversation, the “businessman” demonstrated serious intentions in every possible way.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud cyber fraud acquaintance 29 November 2024The event will last all weekend. In some places, shoppers will be able to buy goods at 70% cheaper than usual.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News discounts shops 29 November 2024Since the Minsk residents were really expecting a parcel, they believed the SMS and followed the link.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News White mail scammers 29 November 2024According to the specialist, in October 2024, the nominal accrued salary of the capital's employees amounted to 3,149 rubles. On average.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News salary work 28 November 2024Law enforcement officers identified the offender. He turned out to be a 33-year-old resident of the Belarusian capital. The citizen was brought to administrative responsibility for his actions.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News cars decoration 28 November 2024Cyber scammers, under the pretext of making money on shares, lured almost 25,000 rubles from a Minsk resident.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud cyber fraud internet fraud 27 November 2024In total, the woman transferred more than 260,000 rubles of her own and credit funds to the scammers, as well as about 30,000 rubles from other victims.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud telephone scammers telephone fraud 27 November 2024Noticing the approaching train, the citizen tried to avoid a collision, but, alas, did not have time.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News train hit 27 November 2024The courier who arrived at the order saw the money scattered around the apartment, realized that he had almost become a participant in a fraudulent scheme, and persuaded the pensioner to contact the police.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud Accident scammers courier 26 November 2024Telephone scammers posing as employees of Minskvodokanal, law enforcement agencies and the National Bank swindled 20,000 rubles from a Minsk resident.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Minsk News fraud courier detention 26 November 2024The trusting buyer transferred over 45,000 rubles to the account specified by the fraudsters.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News electric car scammers 26 November 2024To avoid hitting the four-legged animal, the guy took appropriate measures, but lost control of the car.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News MKAD road accident 26 November 2024Yesterday, the Belavia airline plane, which was flying from Minsk to Kaliningrad, returned to Minsk National Airport.
Timur Khomichev Minsk Kaliningrad Minsk News Kaliningrad News airplane Bellavia 25 November 2024A foreigner left Minsk in someone else’s car and headed towards the state border.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News hijacking car theft 25 November 2024