This Friday, many large stores in the Belarusian capital are launching a price-cutting campaign.
The event will last all weekend. In some places, shoppers will be able to buy goods at 70% cheaper than usual.
The Minsk-Novosti agency reported on where exactly and when specifically, as well as what exactly can be bought at such prices.

Today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Minsk residents and city guests will be delighted with discounts of up to 60% on non-food products.
The condition for receiving such a discount is the purchase of goods worth at least 7 rubles (per unit or meter).
In addition, you can buy large household appliances at the supermarket for 15% less.
On Saturday and Sunday, prices will fall by 50%. This applies to a selected range of non-food products.
The condition for such a profitable purchase is that you need to take a product costing at least 7 rubles per unit.
TD "Na Nemiga" and department store "Belarus"
Every day in these shopping centers you can find discounts from 5% to 70%.
They are provided for a selected range of products in various categories.
Shopping center "Kirmash"
This coming weekend the shopping centre will offer the following discounts:
– up to 55% – on women’s clothing;
– up to 50% – on jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics;
– up to 40% – on shoes and watches;
– up to 35% – on men’s clothing, haberdashery, household goods, home textiles and ceramics;
– up to 30% – on underwear, hosiery and furniture;
– up to 15% – on children’s products.
For reference
A discount is a voluntary, unilateral reduction in the cost of a product (service) by the seller (service provider) from the original cost of the product (service).