A cat rubbing its muzzle against a person generally indicates the animal’s affection, but has a broad interpretation, which we will discuss in detail below.
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Igor Zur cats behavior board pets Pets 3 May 20234 examples of a cat confessing its love to a person - just be patient.
Igor Zur cats behavior nature board Pets 3 May 2023It is possible to accustom a cat to water, but it will take time and patience.
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Igor Zur country house order cloth board Design and interior 28 April 2023A cat licking its owner either wants to make friends with him or demands attention.
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Igor Zur health nutrition weight loss weight Diets 25 April 2023You should never put up with your cat's habit of jumping on the table if you don't want to find fur in your plate.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats animals behavior pets Pets 25 April 2023Thanks to three simple habits, you can stay young for many years.
Marina Michalap beauty youth board Beauty and health 21 April 2023You may have wondered more than once why your cat responds so readily to your "kitty-kitty."
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Igor Zur repair mistakes apartment comfort Design and interior 18 April 2023British scientists have proven that cats do not miss their owners when they go to work.
Igor Zur cats mistakes research pets Pets 18 April 2023You can influence your well-being and appearance. It's all about a healthy lifestyle, sports, and proper eating habits.
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