Can You Teach a Cat to Love Water: The Answer Will Surprise Many

28.04.2023 20:00

Cats are afraid of water, and that's a fact. There are breeds that are an exception, when pets themselves are not against getting into a shallow container with water, but everything depends on the breed and character.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to accustom a cat to water so that it loves to swim?

Before answering this question, we need to find out why these animals don't like water.

The fact is that throughout their history they have lived and developed in a dry climate. And wet fur causes discomfort and stress in most cases for animals.


But not all cats are so categorical about water. Bengals, Turkish Vans, some Savannahs and Maine Coons are either okay with bathing or even love water.

Cat Water
Photo: Pixabay

In other cases, everything depends on the pet’s character.

Is it possible to accustom a cat to water?

A water cat is a rarity. But even the most ordinary yard cat can be taught to react to water less painfully. In this case, a water fountain can help, you can put meat or a favorite toy in a bowl of water, or go to other tricks so that the pet periodically wets its paws.

The only thing you can't do is force the cat into the water unnecessarily. You need to act slowly and patiently. And soon, bathing your domestic cat will be done without scratches and hysterics.

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. Exceptions
  2. Is it possible to accustom a cat to water?