The most difficult word in terms of pronunciation and translation is the word from the Yaghan language.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records words interesting facts translation Records and anti-records 20 January 2025Don't think that a tutor is only needed by struggling students.
Elena Shimanovskaya education training teaching a child English language Children 16 January 2025If you decide to introduce your child to English, the first thing you should do is choose a convenient time for lessons - during this period the baby should be well-rested, well-fed and ready to play.
Elena Shimanovskaya child English language training teaching a child Children 5 December 2024Scientists have come to the conclusion that there may be a universal sign language in the world, accessible to everyone without exception.
Igor Zur research by scientists interesting facts communication with people People and Events 30 August 2024The word "pelmeni" comes from the Finno-Ugric languages and is literally translated as flour ear.
Igor Zur dumplings words and phrases interesting facts translation Useful tips 17 July 2024Popular foreign languages do not have the word "day" - what is it replaced with?
Igor Zur words interesting facts foreigners dictionary People and Events 25 May 2024Learning a foreign language is an incredibly difficult task.
Kurchev Anton languages Chinese interesting facts Guinness Book of Records Records and anti-records 9 May 2024Learning foreign languages in childhood is extremely beneficial.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family child Children 23 April 2024Not everyone knows why it is worth teaching a child foreign languages as early as possible.
Marina Michalap teaching a child raising children Advice to parents Children 22 April 2024Just think: 10 whole years spent memorizing irregular verbs and retelling “topics”, and you still can’t speak English fluently.
Elena Shimanovskaya English language school studies People and Events 8 April 2024A word consisting of 65 letters has been deleted from the German dictionary.
Igor Zur word law Germany interesting facts Germany News Records and anti-records 2 April 2024The process of learning new words in a foreign language has long ceased to look like monotonous and, undoubtedly, tedious cramming – modern people use the same modern methods.
Elena Shimanovskaya language songs People and Events 11 March 2024Scientists still cannot decide whether people have a predisposition to learning foreign languages.
Dmitry Liskovich board language the rules Useful tips 1 February 2024If you set a goal and study regularly, you can learn English relatively quickly.
Dmitry Liskovich English language language training board Useful tips 25 January 2024How to explain the incomprehensible Russian word "zapoi" to foreigners.
Igor Zur words habits alcohol problems People and Events 11 June 2023