The most difficult word in terms of pronunciation and translation is the word from the Yaghan language.
Igor Zur Guinness Book of Records words interesting facts foreign language Records and anti-records 20 January 2025There are many words in the Russian language that are impossible or extremely difficult to translate into other languages.
Timur Khomichev Russian language word words languages People and Events 30 November 2024The word "pelmeni" comes from the Finno-Ugric languages and is literally translated as flour ear.
Igor Zur dumplings words and phrases foreign language interesting facts Useful tips 17 July 2024Cauliflower is a cultivated plant that has been bred and improved by humans for food or agricultural purposes.
Elena Shimanovskaya vegetables cabbage cauliflower Name Diets 6 July 2024When trying to explain the meaning of this word to a foreigner, one has to resort to descriptive constructions with examples that are understandable to a native speaker of another language.
Pavel Gospodarik Top news language Russian language words People and Events 29 May 2024