This Russian word is not in most international languages: how do people live without it

25.05.2024 19:21

One of the popular theories explaining the origin of linguistic diversity is the biblical story about the construction of the Tower of Babel.

But even the time-tested concept cannot explain why very important words are missing from different languages.

For example, most foreign languages do not have the word "sutki", reports Sport24 . Here's how foreigners get by without it.

Photo: Pixabay

The English and the Americans

These comrades use the words and phrases day, day and night or 24 hours.

The phrase round the clock is similar in meaning, but it is used to explain that something or someone works around the clock.

Germans and French

Here the situation is approximately the same – Tag und Nacht (day and night) or simply Tag (day).

The phrase Zeitraum von 24 Stunden (a period of 24 hours) speaks of having a lot of free time.

The French have a concept of "day" and "24 hours" - nycthémère. It most closely resembles the word "day", which corresponds to the cycle of day and night. But it has not received widespread use.

Spaniards and Italians

24 hours here is veinticuatro horas. The word jornada also does not correspond to Russian days. Rather, it means any working day or day off. Or the day of a concert.

For Italians, 24 hours is ventiquattro ore.

Previously, we talked about how to understand that you are working in a toxic team .

Igor Zur Author: Igor Zur Internet resource editor

  1. The English and the Americans
  2. Germans and French
  3. Spaniards and Italians

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