To avoid having to buy sanitizer at a pharmacy or supermarket, prepare it yourself.
Elena Shimanovskaya recipe preparation a plant Useful tips 7 February 2023How to disinfect and germinate cabbage seeds before sowing.
Igor Zur cabbage seeds soil board Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2023Four ways to disinfect soil for sowing seedlings.
Igor Zur soil sowing seedling processing Garden and Vegetable Garden 1 February 2023In fact, to get a nearly sterile set, you don’t need to turn on the washing mode with a water temperature of 90 degrees Celsius.
Igor Zur washing disease underwear soda Useful tips 17 January 20235 ways to use toothpaste in your garden.
Igor Zur country house plants diseases tricks Useful tips 13 January 2023Seeds of umbelliferous plants and most flowers do not need to be treated before sowing.
Igor Zur seeds sowing diseases seedling Garden and Vegetable Garden 12 January 2023How to treat seeds before sowing in chlorhexidine.
Igor Zur seeds processing pharmacy tricks Garden and Vegetable Garden 11 January 2023Although cleaning a toilet brush can hardly be considered a pleasant activity, it is not a procedure you should neglect.
Elena Shimanovskaya cleaning cleaning cleaning the apartment Useful tips 7 January 2023Therefore, in addition to basic ventilation, you need to wash, dry and clean everything you can.
Igor Zur country house cleaning mice scent Useful tips 5 January 2023