Design and interior


If you are constantly late for work or important meetings because you have to spend a long time looking for your keys or can’t find shoe polish, the fault lies with the improper organization of the hallway.

Elena Shimanovskaya hallway corridor hallway decoration what should be in the hallway Designer's tips 19 September 2024

Explosive combinations of turquoise sofas, green cabinets, pink pillows and orange curtains have been incredibly popular for just a few decades.

Elena Shimanovskaya Interior bright interior interior in bright colors neon color Designer's tips 18 September 2024

Trends in the world of interior design can be compared to people: some leave quietly, without saying goodbye, while others say goodbye but stay.

Elena Shimanovskaya countertrend Venetian plaster soft corner decor Designer's tips 18 September 2024
At home

Many people use their summer cottages as a place to store unused things that they don’t want to throw away.

Elena Shimanovskaya country house comfort home comfort things for the dacha Designer's tips 17 September 2024

In the world of kitchen interior design, there are trends that immediately catch the eye.

Elena Shimanovskaya repair kitchen interior trends kitchen design trends Designer's tips 16 September 2024

Not everyone manages to rationally distribute the space in the kitchen, which undoubtedly causes serious difficulties when using this room.

Elena Shimanovskaya kitchen kitchen design kitchen space organization kitchen space Designer's tips 14 September 2024

After installing a new bathtub or renovating a bathroom, any apartment owner faces a serious challenge: somehow sealing the joint with the wall.

Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom bathroom bathroom bathtub wall joint Designer's tips 13 September 2024

Indoor plants can not only make a room cozy and add freshness to it, but also visually increase or decrease the space.

Elena Shimanovskaya indoor plants indoor plants in the interior indoor flowers flowers Designer's tips 13 September 2024

Using dark shades to decorate a bathroom is not the best idea, since such rooms usually have a small area.

Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile tile black tile Designer's tips 12 September 2024

If you want to make your kitchen stylish and modern, then pay attention to some popular and fashionable design techniques.

Marina Michalap kitchen interior modern interior fashionable kitchen interior Designer's tips 12 September 2024