If your bathroom has started to look unsightly and unkempt, yellowed grout is probably to blame.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile repair Designer's tips Design and interior 30 December 2024Previously, tiles were used in bathroom decoration, rather because of desperation - there were simply no other materials for decorating rooms with high humidity.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile tile Designer's tips Design and interior 20 October 2024Not everyone knows how to whiten the seams between tiles.
Marina Michalap inter-tile joints clean the joints between tiles cleaning the apartment Useful tips 1 September 2024Until recently, all apartment owners were convinced that if they tiled the walls and floor in the bathroom, it would be convenient and durable.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile Designer's tips Design and interior 21 June 2024When cleaning the bathroom, it is important to wash not only the plumbing, but also the tiles, which over time become covered with soap scum, rust from hard water and dust.
Olga Kotova bathroom tile washing cleaning Useful tips 29 January 2024The bathroom can be called one of the most important rooms in the house, so renovation here requires special attention to all details without exception.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom repair mistakes tile bathroom tiles Design and interior 18 January 2024Over time, bathroom tiles can become covered not only with soap scum, but also with rust and mold. Therefore, it is important to clean them periodically to avoid serious problems.
Olga Kotova cleaning tile washing cleaning the bathroom Useful tips 13 January 2024The problem can be solved using a mixture of white vinegar and warm water.
Olga Kotova tile cleaning washing cleaning the bathroom Useful tips 3 January 2024Simple and accessible components make this composition cheap and yet very effective.
Kurchev Anton bathroom bathroom sink life hacks with vinegar Useful tips 11 December 2023The designer explained how to choose grout for tile joints and when a contrasting solution is not the best option.
Igor Zur interior in the apartment Designer's tips color selection mistakes in interior Design and interior 8 December 2023Perhaps, when decorating a bathroom, the main attention should be paid to finishing materials, which, unlike a curtain or a rug, are not so easy to replace.
Elena Shimanovskaya bathroom tile countertrend Designer's tips bathroom tiles Design and interior 5 December 2023