Experts believe that children do not owe anything to their parents and explained what might be hidden behind these words.
Igor Zur raising children Parents' mistakes grown up children children and parents Children 17 December 2024In relation to GDP, external debt decreased from 51.3% (the level on January 1) to 48.6% (the level as of October 1).
Pavel Gospodarik Top news Belarus Belarus News change Economy 13 December 2024The first thing to do is to admit that thoughtless purchases have resulted in debt.
Igor Zur financial literacy useful tips and life hacks expenses bank card People and Events 13 November 2024Every person in his life has at least once been in a situation when he vitally needed additional money.
Vitaly Kisterny money board Economy 2 September 2024If you intend to help out a loved one who has found himself in a difficult situation by lending him N-th amount of money, do it correctly so as not to lose funds and remain on good terms.
Elena Shimanovskaya money relationship the rules People and Events 29 February 2024Why it is essential to enter the New Year without debt.
Sergey Tumanov folk signs superstition money Useful tips 27 December 2023With three simple steps you can get rid of debt.
Marina Michalap board psychology People and Events 14 December 2023Of course, you want to come to the aid of a relative or friend. And in most cases, this can and should be done. But there are situations when the person asking should be refused.
Kurchev Anton money help time folk signs People and Events 15 November 2023Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they have to ask a friend to lend them money.
Kurchev Anton money back coins board folk signs People and Events 2 September 2023Being a debtor is unpleasant. Many people want to get their money back at the first opportunity.
Sergey Tumanov money actions calendar folk signs People and Events 27 June 2023Our ancestors believed that one should not lend money when the sun has set or before major holidays.
Sergey Tumanov things folk signs superstition board People and Events 19 June 2023So why do some people quickly pay off their loans and interest, while others do nothing but exist in debt, constantly borrowing and re-borrowing certain amounts?
Sergey Tumanov People psychology money purchase People and Events 24 April 2023Many superstitions have come to modern times through the centuries.
Elena Gutyro money board Useful tips 23 April 2023An old superstition says that you can’t hand over money from hand to hand, but where did this superstition come from and how should it be done correctly?
Dmitry Bobrovich money board folk signs superstition Useful tips 20 April 2023Superstitious people adhere to the rule that a certain list of things cannot be lent.
Dmitry Bobrovich folk signs superstition things Useful tips 19 April 2023Folk omens have taught people that financial matters should be approached with caution.
Dmitry Bobrovich money finance folk signs Useful tips 27 March 2023