Why do people end up in debt?

24.04.2023 13:55

There are two weeks left until the end of the month, and many are already trying to borrow a couple of thousand from friends. In Russia, this phenomenon is widespread and does not depend on the region.

Even if you don't have any loyal friends who are ready to help you out at any moment, you can always use the services of banks and microloan companies. If, of course, you are ready to pay the interest.

But it's one thing when you need a loan to buy real estate, a car (as a means of transportation and an assistant in work) or to build your own business. And it's quite another when you borrow for other purposes - a trip, a luxurious wedding, buying groceries, organizing a birthday party or just a new mobile phone. Fulfilling all-all-all of your dreams at the expense of other people and financial institutions, you risk never getting out of debt.

So why do some people quickly pay off their loans and interest, while others do nothing but exist in debt, constantly borrowing and re-borrowing certain amounts?

There are at least seven reasons for this. Moreover, several can coexist in one person, says Pavel Rakov , an expert of the online publication Belnovosti, a psychologist, coach, and creator of the cult training “In fact, I am smart, but I live like a fool.”

Photo: © Belnovosti

1. Inability to earn money

You don't spend too much, you always go to the store with a shopping list, which you don't deviate from one iota. But for some reason, your expenses at the end of the month end up exceeding your income. Here you should clearly think about whether you know how to earn money. Perhaps you are just comfortable sitting in one place in one position and not straining yourself too much? Then it is not surprising that you are borrowing from friends until payday.

Improve your professional skills, look for new projects, raise your status as a master in your field - and you will finally adjust your financial balance. Remember the Russian proverb about a lying stone and water? So where can you get a debt-free life if you are not able to change anything in it?

2. Maintaining status

Thirst is nothing - image is everything. Some people live by this principle, trying on the image of a successful person who spends his days in an expensive apartment, buys only branded clothes and always has the latest model of trendy gadgets.

All this status requires considerable funds. And if you are not from a millionaire family, then you have to take a flagship smartphone model on credit, then eat instant noodles. The same applies to a car, a luxurious home theater, and even education of children in an elite school.

When you sacrifice your stomach, peace, sleep and nerves for the sake of your image, constantly hunching over at work to pay off debts, then it's time to change something. At least look at yourself with different eyes and understand who you really are? Who is the person who desperately hides behind the mask of a prosperous person?

3. Infantilism

Let's be honest, many adults remain children at heart, unable to take responsibility for their own lives. This also applies to the financial side.

Why upgrade your professionalism and climb the career ladder if you can borrow money from a neighbor or a friend? Why add up some boring numbers of the family budget? There are banks and their wonderful credit cards! Oh, that's it! I don't want to think about where to get money for a new bag! I'll go to a microloan company and buy what I want.

After all, everyone says that you have to live here and now. Such people will vegetate in debt for a long time, if they do not change their thinking and do not understand that money requires a clear plan for its use. And use it wisely and with an eye on the near future.

4. Parental example

Parental example of handling money is no less important. If you have observed since childhood how your mom and dad spend their earnings very quickly, and then borrow from colleagues or relatives, then... Most likely, you will start to act the same way in your independent adult life.

Unless you take the opposite approach and draw the right conclusions from family mistakes. It will be difficult to avoid debts if you were not given any shopping assignments and you generally did without pocket money. The other extreme: your parents spoiled you endlessly, fulfilling your every whim. In this case, separation from your father and mother may end in loans and credits.

5. I want it quick

When the desire to possess something tears your soul, and the finances in your wallet sing romances, then you easily fall into the soft clutches of loans. Once you bought a smartphone on credit, the second time - a vacuum cleaner, the third - a dress for a friend's wedding.

These seem to be necessary things, but you can always wait for the discount season or a bonus if your budget does not allow for sudden spending. But the “quick fix” principle always plays a cruel joke. We start looking for a magic pill that will help us make our dreams come true right now, this very second. And it turns out to be borrowed money. Just always stop yourself with a reminder: you are borrowing someone else’s money for a while, but you are giving away your own forever.


6. The influence of dependencies

Most often, people with addictions get into debt. Alcohol, casinos, beautiful women or men - considerable sums are spent on this. And often not even their own, but from the family budget. As a result, there is not much left to live on.

What can you do? Borrow from friends, take out loans. In addition, you often have to pay off card debts, otherwise strong, brave guys will simply start knocking them out. Alas, this is the saddest situation for the loved ones of such a person. Because it is impossible to stop him until he decides to get rid of one or more of his addictions.

7. Inability to give

And another common option: you are constantly in debt because... you don't know how to give! You only take, take and take. And this concerns not only the material sphere, but also the exchange of energies during communication.

You know, there are people who borrow a minimal amount and then don't pay it back for a long time? Usually, they are left with their financial "tails" that only grow over time.

Either these are typical freeloaders, existing on other people's money, or people who believe that it is the sacred duty of a friend to forget about such a trifle. By the way, such types do not know how to share in principle. You will not see a gift from them, nor hear a kind word.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Internet resource editor

  1. 1. Inability to earn money
  2. 2. Maintaining status
  3. 3. Infantilism
  4. 4. Parental example
  5. 5. I want it quick
  6. 6. The influence of dependencies
  7. 7. Inability to give