It has recently become known that there has been a change in the gross external debt of Belarus.
The indicator has decreased. We are talking about the period from January to September of this year.
According to the press service of the National Bank of the Republic, a decrease of 400 million dollars was recorded during the specified time period.
Thus, as of October 1, 2024, Belarus' gross external debt amounted to $36.4 billion.
In relation to GDP, external debt decreased from 51.3% (the level on January 1) to 48.6% (the level as of October 1).
The regulator notes that the bulk of Belarus’s external debt (71.7%) is long-term liabilities.
Experts from the country's main financial and credit institution consider this figure to be evidence of low risks in the area of foreign debt financing.
As for net external debt (liabilities minus gross external assets in the form of debt instruments), over the first 9 months of 2024 it decreased from 13.1% to 12.1% of GDP.
The National Bank interprets all of the above, that is, the dynamics of figures on external debt, as evidence that the debt burden on the country's economy is decreasing.