Are you planning to ask for money on loan, but don’t know how to do it?
We'll tell you how to increase your chances of a positive response.
How to ask for a loan correctly
First, ask for exactly the amount you need.

A relative or friend is unlikely to be pleased to know that you are spending his money on a so-called “beautiful life.”
Secondly, it is advisable to start with a little small talk.
If you ask for a loan right away, it will be easier for the lender to refuse.
Third, be prepared for the lender to ask why you need the money.
Let's be as honest as possible. If money is needed for something important, a relative or friend is unlikely to refuse.
Fourth, discuss the terms of repayment. "I'll pay it back as soon as possible" is a bad option.
Ideally, you should prepare an IOU or loan agreement.
If you are asking to borrow a small amount, a receipt will be sufficient.