Some ways to make your cat happy.
Igor Zur board happiness attention veterinarian Pets 19 March 2023This behavior indicates that the cat lacks your attention.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 18 March 2023The hybrid of African servals and domestic shorthaired cats of the oriental breeds has been considered the most expensive in the world for almost four decades.
Dmitry Bobrovich price record animals pets Records and anti-records 18 March 2023Many cat owners believe that such a procedure as haircut or shaving is simply necessary for their pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats wool pets haircut Pets 18 March 2023This does not always mean that your pet is offended by you for something.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 18 March 2023Animals, like people, have their own anxieties and fears.
Elena Gutyro pets animals cats behavior Pets 18 March 2023If the cat is not neutered, an unpleasant smell in the house cannot be avoided.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 18 March 2023How to understand that a cat or a cat is not eating enough, and when it is time to put them on a diet.
Igor Zur nutrition obesity board care Pets 17 March 20235 reasons why a cat may scream loudly after eating.
Igor Zur nutrition nature board health Pets 17 March 2023Does it ever happen that a cat was sleeping soundly a minute ago, but as soon as the owner decided to go to the bathroom, the pet immediately ran after him? What could be the reason for this?
Olga Kotova pets animals cats behavior Pets 17 March 2023These houseplants should be kept away from domestic cats.
Igor Zur care health flowers plants Pets 17 March 2023Many owners feed their cats with leftovers from food they recently ate themselves.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets food products ban Cooking 17 March 2023What owner would like it if their pet went to the toilet outside the litter box, scratched furniture or chewed wires?
Elena Shimanovskaya cats pets upbringing punishment Pets 17 March 2023Every person has their own fears and worries. Our pets are no exception.
Elena Gutyro cats pets animals Pets 17 March 2023We will tell you how to determine that your cat is sick and in pain.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 17 March 2023We tell you why cats hiss and how to react to it correctly.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 17 March 2023By eating grass, cats compensate for the lack of vitamins.
Timur Khomichev cat cats pets animals Pets 16 March 2023In modern stores that sell pet products, you can find many things that will brighten up your pet's life and make life easier for its owner.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats dogs pets toys Pets 16 March 2023The best way to stop your cat from sleeping on the dining table is to make it dislike the place.
Igor Zur board kitchen habits upbringing Pets 16 March 2023A pet's behavior can tell you about the energy in your home.
Olga Kotova pets animals cats Pets 16 March 2023