Typically, cats in pain do not scream or meow.
Kurchev Anton cat pets cat health Tips for cat owners Pets 4 April 2024Cats can even detect illness by sniffing a person's breath.
Igor Zur There are cats living in the apartment Tips for cat owners smells pets Pets 1 April 2024What to do if the cat refuses to accept a new family member and does not understand in a good way.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners vet for cat useful tips and life hacks cat in the apartment Pets 31 March 2024It is worth emphasizing that the gender of a pet is indeed very important.
Kurchev Anton cat cats facts about cats pets Pets 27 March 2024Cats have three ways of communicating to choose from, most of which are familiar to humans.
Igor Zur signs about cats Tips for cat owners pets communication Pets 26 March 2024Before going to bed, many cats try to settle down next to a person.
Kurchev Anton facts about cats the cat sleeps at the feet safety scent Pets 21 March 2024To wean your cat off climbing on the table, you can try placing objects on it that cause discomfort.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat in the apartment pets facts about cats Pets 16 March 2024In many cases, the actions of fluffy animals are not at all connected with the desire to anger the owner or take revenge on him.
Kurchev Anton cat facts about cats behavior Tips for cat owners Pets 14 March 2024When your cat's nose tells you about health problems, remember these four signs.
Igor Zur cat health Tips for cat owners health condition pets Pets 13 March 2024Not everyone knows why some cats are very affectionate.
Marina Michalap affectionate cat cat keeping cats Pets 13 March 2024Cat owners were told why the water bowl should be kept away from the food bowl.
Igor Zur vet for cat Tips for cat owners water cat health Pets 11 March 2024Usually cats respond positively to affection from their owner. But what to do if the fluffy one shows aggression when you try to touch it?
Kurchev Anton cat please affectionate cat Tips for cat owners Pets 11 March 2024Japanese scientists have proven that cats not only react to human speech, but also distinguish their name from other words.
Igor Zur facts about cats pets research by scientists an experiment Pets 8 March 2024It turns out that not all cats adapt to loneliness so well.
Igor Zur There are cats living in the apartment loneliness research by scientists myths about cats Pets 5 March 2024Sometimes the problem may be unexpected at first glance.
Olga Kotova cat cats food pets and animals Pets 1 March 2024If you have a cat living in your apartment, then you have definitely seen how your pet climbs into boxes to rest.
Olga Kotova cat cats pets and animals pets Pets 29 February 2024Tips for caring for your cat other than providing fresh food and clean water daily.
Igor Zur games for cat cat care Tips for cat owners cat in the apartment Pets 24 February 2024Cats only seem to be picky, but in reality they just want their owner to understand a few simple rules.
Olga Kotova cats cats pets and animals pets Pets 23 February 2024Here are some tips to help you establish contact with a pet that has had to change owners.
Igor Zur cats cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners pets Pets 23 February 2024British scientists have found out whether cats can smile and how they demonstrate their affection.
Igor Zur research by scientists smile good mood pets Pets 22 February 2024