Not everyone knows why cats may meow constantly.
Marina Michalap cat meowing facts about cats cats Pets 6 February 2024Not everyone knows why cats may show interest in the table.
Marina Michalap facts about cats Cat Habits cats Pets 5 February 2024The veterinarian advises to combat the stress that a domestic cat experiences, and then it will stop "taking revenge".
Igor Zur cat in the apartment vet for cat consequences of stress pets Pets 5 February 2024Experienced cat owners are confident that the importance of understanding your pet is very difficult to overestimate.
Dmitry Liskovich cat behavior animals cat behavior Pets 4 February 2024Veterinarians advise regularly treating cats for parasites, even if the animal does not go outside.
Igor Zur parasites in cats cat health Tips for cat owners parasites Pets 2 February 2024It turns out that cats don't always hide their noses because of the coming cold weather - discomfort is to blame.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment weather signs facts about cats pet Pets 31 January 2024However, that “gesture” of the cat, which some owners take offense at, testifies, oddly enough, to the love and trust of the fluffy one towards its owner.
Kurchev Anton cats facts about cats Love trust Pets 31 January 2024There is a reason why a cat lies on your chest - there are several reasons and there is no mysticism.
Igor Zur signs about cats Tips for cat owners pets stress Pets 30 January 2024You shouldn't rely on the pet's character when choosing a cat - there are more important details.
Igor Zur cats cats pets useful tips and life hacks Pets 30 January 2024There are only three reasons why cats go crazy at night when everyone in the house is asleep.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners pets cats Pets 29 January 2024Experts have discovered the reason for cats' strange behavior when going to the toilet.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners pets toilet Pets 25 January 2024Here are some tips to help your pet adapt more quickly to the house after being outside.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners mistakes pets Pets 24 January 2024Why you shouldn't wave your hands in front of a cat's face or wake it up abruptly while it's sleeping.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment Tips for cat owners Cat Habits error Design and interior 23 January 2024It turns out that cats and kittens in front of closed doors are driven by fear, instinct or boredom.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment interior doors Tips for cat owners pets Pets 23 January 2024Cats get used to their owner's way of life and sometimes remind him of something important to them with their cries.
Igor Zur cats cat in the apartment useful tips and life hacks pets Pets 22 January 2024How to properly trim your cat's claws and why you shouldn't have claw removal surgery.
Igor Zur cat declawing claw useful tips and life hacks vet for cat Pets 19 January 2024Recently the cat was active and tried to interact with the owner more often, and now it hides? This is a clear cause for concern.
Kurchev Anton cats the cat is hiding reasons facts about cats Pets 19 January 2024Five cat breeds that won't cause trouble for their owners.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment cat breeds nature pets Pets 18 January 2024Veterinarians explained why castration and sterilization of pets is beneficial.
Igor Zur cat in the apartment veterinarian operation myths Pets 17 January 2024Scientists have named 4 reasons why cats may be constantly silent or meow incessantly.
Igor Zur cat breeds research scientists Pets 16 January 2024