"Newly minted" cat owners complain that their little pet scratches everything.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals scratches Pets 28 January 2025Here are some tips to help your cat get the hang of using a scratching post faster.
Igor Zur Tips for cat owners cat in the apartment animal behavior pets Pets 10 December 2024Some owners of wayward cats face the problem when their pets continue to ruin furniture with their claws even after purchasing a scratching post.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets and animals Pets 22 November 2024It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to remind cat owners that their pets need to have their claws trimmed regularly.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets Pets 24 May 2024How to save sofas, armchairs and carpets?
Kurchev Anton cat cat behavior catnip tricks Pets 15 May 2024Many cat owners – even those who regularly tear up the sofa and wallpaper with their claws – for some reason consider a scratching post a waste of money.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets pets and animals Pets 7 April 2024When choosing a new floor covering, many people decide to throw away the old carpet. But this is a huge mistake.
Kurchev Anton carpet garden paths car trunk tricks Useful tips 3 April 2024How to properly trim your cat's claws and why you shouldn't have claw removal surgery.
Igor Zur cat behavior useful tips and life hacks vet for cat Pets 19 January 2024Modern stores, including those that sell pet products, have a truly impressive selection.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets animals Pets 10 November 2023Many people complain that their cat is constantly scratching the furniture.
Kurchev Anton cats pets furniture tricks Pets 30 October 2023Those people who have become owners of furry and meowing creatures readily admit that they are often confused by the behavior of their pet.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats furniture reasons behavior Pets 20 July 2023A few important tips for those who decide to trim their cat's claws - the main thing is to do no harm.
Igor Zur cats care furniture board Pets 23 June 2023If you have a cat, then you should have a scratching post. Of course, if you don’t want your furry pet to use the carpet or upholstered furniture for its needs.
Elena Shimanovskaya cats cats pets animals Pets 25 April 2023