There are many representatives of the stronger sex who have a tendency to cheat. However, there are also guys who know how to remain faithful to their other halves.
Kurchev Anton men male behavior men in relationships women Love and Family 22 January 2025Psychologists have found that there is a connection between a person’s personal characteristics and the possibility of cheating.
Elena Shimanovskaya change change of husband betrayal in marriage relationship Love and Family 13 December 2024Micro-cheating, from a psychological point of view, is betrayal without actual cheating.
Elena Shimanovskaya change relationship man and woman signs of cheating Love and Family 29 November 2024Cheating is, unfortunately, a fairly common occurrence in modern relationships. However, there are many couples in which lovers remain faithful to each other.
Kurchev Anton women women's behavior nature Love and Family 14 May 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why men constantly text other women while in a relationship.
Marina Michalap men and women Internet correspondence social networks Love and Family 19 February 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why men have mistresses.
Marina Michalap family psychology Love relationship Love and Family 28 September 2023Many men cheat on their spouses.
Sergey Tumanov family women men psychology Love and Family 3 May 2023Cheating is one of the main reasons why relationships break down. But what exactly causes a partner to behave this way?
Olga Kotova relationship psychologists Love and Family 15 February 2023Every person who wants to build a strong and healthy relationship will be upset if their significant other cheats. After all, such an act is considered betrayal.
Olga Kotova relationship psychology signs Love and Family 8 February 2023