Even stress-resistant people sometimes experience periods of mental fatigue.
Elena Shimanovskaya treatment health Beauty and health 13 March 2024Apathy is mainly manifested in the loss of desires, the absence of an emotional response to what is happening, and the loss of interest in what was previously important.
Elena Shimanovskaya apathy and depression psychology People People and Events 12 February 2024Everyone is familiar with the feeling of powerlessness, “not wanting anything” and decreased interest in one’s life.
Sergey Tumanov psychology board People Beauty and health 22 October 2023If you overcome apathy in a timely manner, you can significantly improve your life.
Marina Michalap psychology board People life People and Events 27 February 2023If it so happens that apathy has taken over, then you need to act immediately.
Yana Lysova board struggle Love and Family 6 January 2023