You can wash one item in the washing machine, but is it worth it?
Igor Zur tips for housewives housewives mistakes washing things household appliances Useful tips 9 May 2024There are a few steps you need to take immediately if you really want to get rid of greasy stains on your clothes.
Igor Zur how to remove a stain household tricks life hacks with soda stains on clothes Useful tips 9 May 2024We tell you what the interval between washing cycles should be.
Timur Khomichev washing machine machine wash break between washes interval between washes Useful tips 8 May 2024Probably, each of us has encountered a situation when, after washing in a washing machine, a sweater that was taken off just a few minutes ago turns out to be two or three sizes smaller.
Elena Shimanovskaya cloth things clothes sat down what to do if clothes have shrunk Useful tips 8 May 2024It is extremely important to place the capsule correctly in the washing machine drum.
Timur Khomichev capsules washing capsules washing with capsules rules for using washing capsules Useful tips 3 May 2024We'll tell you how to get rid of stains on clothes using cheap products that everyone has at home.
Timur Khomichev machine wash streak with salt washing with a dish sponge stain removal Useful tips 2 May 2024High humidity is an ideal environment for the growth of dangerous microorganisms and fungi.
Kurchev Anton washing machine things housewives mistakes danger Useful tips 2 May 2024We tell you why you need to take a break between washes and what it should be.
Timur Khomichev machine wash break between washes breaks between washes interval between washes Useful tips 27 April 2024We tell you how often you can run your washing machine.
Timur Khomichev machine wash break between washes breaks between washes interval between washes Useful tips 26 April 2024Experienced housewives always put a sock with a bay leaf in the washing machine.
Timur Khomichev bay leaf washing with bay leaf machine wash Bay leaf life hacks Useful tips 26 April 2024Not everyone knows how to reliably wash tulle curtains.
Marina Michalap how to wash curtains yellowed tulle wash tulle tips for housewives Useful tips 17 April 2024Your own carelessness or the stylist’s carelessness may be the reason why a hair dye stain appears on your favorite T-shirt or jeans.
Elena Shimanovskaya cloth things spot hair dye Useful tips 16 April 2024Not everyone knows how to properly use the French method of bleaching things.
Marina Michalap bleaching things whitening washing clothes Useful tips 13 April 2024It is better to wash bed linen, towels and heavily soiled items with powder.
Timur Khomichev washing powder washing capsules powder or capsules capsule washing Useful tips 13 April 2024Any more or less savvy housewife knows that you can’t throw white and black items into the washing machine drum at the same time.
Elena Shimanovskaya machine wash black and white things washing black and white items cloth Useful tips 10 April 2024Experienced housewives put foil balls in the washing machine to improve the quality of washing and make things softer.
Sergey Tumanov washing clothes washing machine tips for housewives Useful tips 10 April 2024Many housewives who purchased an oxygen cleaner for the first time complain that it did not cope with stains.
Elena Shimanovskaya bleach stain remover oxygen stain remover oxygen bleach Useful tips 9 April 2024Raise your hands if you regularly clean your washing machine and even know that it needs to be done?
Elena Shimanovskaya vinegar washing machine machine wash washing things Useful tips 7 April 2024A good housewife will strive to wash clothes and wipe down various surfaces as often as possible.
Kurchev Anton cleaning the apartment things in the apartment cleanliness tips for housewives Useful tips 4 April 2024Not everyone knows what tricks can help improve the quality of washing.
Marina Michalap improve washing quality secrets of washing tips for housewives Useful tips 2 April 2024