With so many distractions and easy entertainment, it can be difficult to get a modern child interested in reading.
Elena Shimanovskaya reading child children and reading council mom dad Children 22 November 2024At the age of 6-7 years, most children, provided they are psychologically ready, easily master reading.
Elena Shimanovskaya child reading children and reading reading books Children 11 November 2024Not everyone knows what tricks can help instill a love of reading in children.
Marina Michalap children and reading love of reading Advice to parents Children 24 August 2024Not everyone knows why it is important for modern children to read books.
Marina Michalap reading books Advice to parents Children 10 August 2024Some modern parents do not consider it necessary to read fairy tales to their little children. And in vain.
Kurchev Anton parents and children benefit Advice to parents Children 11 April 2024Not everyone knows what tricks can help turn reading into real pleasure for a child.
Marina Michalap love of reading children and reading Advice to parents books Children 20 March 2024Most children learn to read easily by the age of 6-7.
Elena Shimanovskaya children and family child reading children and reading Children 15 March 2024Not everyone knows the reasons why children do not show due interest in reading books.
Marina Michalap children and reading Advice to parents Children 12 March 2024Not everyone knows what role fairy tales play in a child’s life.
Marina Michalap reading and the brain children and reading Advice to parents Children 25 February 2024