We tell you why moles appear on your property and how to get rid of them.
Timur Khomichev now garden country house plot Garden and Vegetable Garden 25 December 2024Before you start fighting moles, you need to understand the characteristics of their behavior.
Igor Zur advice for summer residents pest control useful tips and life hacks trap Garden and Vegetable Garden 9 September 2024These little diggers dig tunnels and damage the root system of plants, which leads to deterioration of the condition of lawns and flower beds.
Sergey Tumanov Top news plot struggle Garden and Vegetable Garden 20 June 2024There is probably not a single summer resident who has not encountered traces of mole activity on his plot, which look like small mounds of earth.
Elena Shimanovskaya soil Garden and Vegetable Garden 18 March 2024Most summer residents get upset if moles appear on their plot. However, experienced gardeners will find at least one advantage in the appearance of uninvited "guests".
Kurchev Anton soil soil for seedlings tricks advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 30 January 2024It is possible to save the harvest of garden crops if measures are taken in a timely manner.
Kurchev Anton pests pest control bank advice for summer residents Garden and Vegetable Garden 26 January 2024